¨There are military bases and media bases in Latin America
Cuba USA

¨There are military bases and media bases in Latin America

INTERVIEW of Fernando Buen Abad.
by Hector Bernardo
source Diario Contexto
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

Latin America faces a “Communicational Plan Condor”.

In our 21st century there have been five coup in Latin America in which the battering ram has been the monopolist media structures. This is a warning that we are arriving late.

In the case of SIP I try not to exaggerate its role although it deals with an alliance of media entrepreneurs. The problem is not that they organize; the problem is that they have a mark and curriculum of an anthology of terror. Each is a Summary of horrific horrors, not only for the individual but for the media they represent and the projects they have in mind. Nonetheless I believe that they are a lesser evil regarding another problem that is the mega world Project of media domination that is the imperial project. In this context SIP is merely a pawn that does horrible things but that are only part of this mega project.
I say this to understand the size of SIP but in its scale those authors who form the enormous campaign. They are the battering ram of a project that we have named the Communicational Condor Plan.

In recent years there was a “metastasis” of military bases in Latin America that have been scholarly studied by Atilio Boron and Ana Esther Ceceña detailing the map of military bases in the region. The United States, that always considered Mexico as part of the ring of security now wants that role shifted to the continent which is also, a territory of security with 500 million persons held captive to broaden its market Project.

A form of controlling all kinds of resistance is through the capacity of rapid deployment of military forces in the region. We saw this formula in Iraq and now in Libya, in Syria in the Ukraine. The spear of this battering ram is the media. It begins by accusing dictators there to convince the world that “something has to be done” and the day that that happens the world will applaud and say: “At last they got rid of the dictator”. We have already seen this formula. This formula now targeting Nicolás Maduro and that was aimed at Hugo Chávez. It is the spear aimed at Evo Morales, at Daniel Ortega, at Rafael Correa at Raúl Castro, at Dilma Rousseff and Cristina Fernández. It is clear that they are their enemies in this scenario. [4]Foto: Luis Ferraris

The mass media are really weapons of ideological warfare and have been gaining positions in the continent. In Latin America there are military bases and media bases. The media bases have several advantages over all the others. They have a larger capacity of articulating, rapidly and placing. They explode a defamatory comment on Venezuela and that same morning in a barrio of Buenos Aires they are repeating it setting into motion in this manner the agenda in the territory and at the same time the Grupo Prisa of Spain releases the note in Madrid, CNN reproduces it in the United States; in Mexico it is released by Televisa and Clarín assumes it theirs in Argentina. In other words, there is a speed and synchronism typical of military strategy. There is a territorial struggle that is also a semantic struggle. This is what we call the Communicational Plan Condor because now the forces of communicational repression have a capacity for virulence and very rapid coordination.

I just returned from visiting a city called Azul and while breakfasting in the hotel the lady waiting on my table commented that she was very concerned because she saw that “the Russians have gone back to the devil” and that “Putin is a Satan that threatens the world”. This lady that worked in this humble hotel already had an ideological charge in synchrony with what is being said in a large part of the planet. That Communicational Plan Condor that has managed a position in the imaginary collective soil.

I am sure that if we had large funds and strong institutions to investigate we would find the semantic and syntaxes structures intact. One of the ones I have worked on is the following, when Peña Nieto won the elections in Mexico. He said: “We have planted a seed that will grow into a tree from which we will have its fruits”. That is the same phrase that Henrique Capriles used in Venezuela when he lost the election to Hugo Chávez and, also in Argentina, in Tigre, Sergio Massa, said the same phrase exactly in his speeches: “We are planting a seed that will grow to be a tree and from which we will have its fruits”.

If we could make a “cat scan” of the speech being spread in Latin America through these continental media bases we would observe that there are stencils that are oriented and that pass by the Random Group of Colombia, by CNN in the States and that come from the Prisa Group, the most powerful center of laboratories of ideological and psychological warfare in the world.

Fernando Buen Abad is a doctor of philosophy and semantics, writer and specialist on the Communication media. He was the consultant of several presidents that include Hugo Chávez and Manuel Zelaya. 

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Cuba USA
