To serve Venezuela. By Katiuska Blanco
Cuba USA

To serve Venezuela. By Katiuska Blanco

A well known group of intellectuals from around the world meeting in Havana called by the Cuban Chapter of the Network in Defense of Humanity ratified their solidarity with the Bolivarian Revolution and emphatically rejected the violence generated by fascist coup forces in Venezuela that, unable to overthrow Commandante Hugo Chávez – specially with a coup d'etat in April of 2002 and the oil coup of December that same year and January of 2003 – now attacks the revolutionary government of Nicolás Maduro. Having tried everything before: not recognizing the election results with a really mad action of April 13 2013, the permanent political destabilization, the non recognition of institutional authorities and the economic and financial war, the fascist right wing takes up once again – the road of unleashed violence and death.

Pure fascism, coming from an extreme rightwing convinced that it is unable to pave the way civilly nor with persistent and insufficient aggressions of economic and political character; determined to reach power by force, without any scruple, without respect for life, without any democratic precept but against the most elemental. Pure fascism: the antithesis of all that is human sentiment, the formula of barbarity; the incentive of hate, of the basest instincts, of manipulation of the thoughts of persons, media terrorism broadcast by the dailies, the radio and television of the puppet forces of U.S. imperialism in the region, the darkest and reactionary forces, supported by paramilitarism and drug trafficking that has caused so much pain in the neighboring Colombia: rampant urbanism: that which did not recognize having enough time to use force to attack Venezuela.

Constant in the memory, alive more than ever the virility of the answer of our dear Commandante Chávez when he said that Uribe did not have time to unleash a fratricidal war against Venezuela, he doesn’t have the ¨ba...¨

Fascism against Venezuela and against the integration of Our America, against the resounding success of integration in the Summit of CELAC last January in Havana; fascism against the advance of more hopeful progressive forces in the world, against a better world that is possible; it is what happens today in the territorial social space and against the pillars of the State and nation of the Homeland of the Liberators Bolívar and Chávez.

Our National Hero José Martí said that a one plan after another had to be developed and this corresponds now to the essential form that is to mobilize in solidarity, the elucidation of the truth, the diffusion of the will for respect and human dignity and constructive dialogue by the people that defends the Bolivarian government, the essential need to make justice prevail to conjure violence, vengeance, chaos and anarchy; the display of a serious effort for citizen tranquility, the defense of sovereignty throughout the national territory, the empire of right and compliance of institutions, the will to do all for the social economic prosperity of the people and for peace, a just and lasting peace.

Disintegrations is an imperialist design for our lands of America, a thirst of the North to destroy the possibility of a second and truly independence of our Latin American nations, an answer is necessary for a more and more concerted effort of economic, political, cultural, social and communicational movement.

We must join Martí in saying: ¨Give me Venezuela to serve her; she has a son in me¨

Against a lie that isolates, let us spread the truth that elucidates and unites. All the peoples of Our America in a tight picture like the silver in the roots of The Andes, around our Bolivarian sister Venezuela. This is our destiny, life. For our continent and the world.

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Cuba USA
