A Call to alternate media to create a pool of solidarity with Venezuela
Cuba USA

A Call to alternate media to create a pool of solidarity with Venezuela

Call to urgently boost solidarity with the revolutionary process of Venezuela denouncing media terrorism that hounds it:

Comrades of Alternative Media Communication, of Counter information or simply solidarity Media with Bolivarian Venezuela:

Within the framework of conclusions of the recent forum “Media Conspiracy against Venezuela” held in Caracas on the 5th and 6th of June the need to move toward an action of specific solidarity of the communication media of those who feel identified with the Bolivarian process. 
For this reason, a group of media here present have decided to join forces to denounce interference of media terrorism against Venezuela and, at the same time, list the resolute achievements made by the Revolution.
In addition, a decision was made to form a Media Platform called “The truth about Venezuela, Latin America and the Caribbean”. Every week a month, it should publish printed media that adheres to the initiative of a unique text that promotes defense of popular movements that cover all that is Latin American, Caribbean, European and the rest of the citizens of the world who do not submit to the intentions of imperialism.

The first text will be published the week of 1 to 7 of July and will be released not only in dailies and newspapers but also web pages, Facebook and twitter. On the other hand, the process includes free radio, radio programs and community television that, in this case, will be added with spots and that should be received already edited, summarizing the content in written text.

The texts in question will be written in shifts by the members of the Platform by common agreement with the comrades who support this initiative from Venezuela.

For this reason we invite the alternative, community media and/or counter information to adhere to this call that already includes the following media sources:

Portal Cubadebate (Cuba), 

Revista América XXI (several countries), 

Revista El Viejo Topo (Spain), 

Revista Resumen Latinoamericano (several countries), 

Portal ALBA (Venezuela), 

TV Cidade Livre de Brasilia (Brasil), 

Agencia Bolivariana de Prensa (Venezuela), 

Radio Al Son del23 (Venezuela), 

Diario Petare al Día (Venezuela), 

Barricada TV(Argentina), 

Radio FM La Caterva (Argentina), 

Revista Nuestra Voz(Argentina), 

Diario Ciudad Caracas (Venezuela)

To adhere your agency write to 
[email protected]

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Cuba USA
