Against racism and race
Cuba USA

Against racism and race

By Fernando Rodríguez Sosa
Source Juventud Rebelde

For more than half a century Fernando Ortiz worked intensely in a
research campaigns of propaganda and action in favor of the anti
racist cause in an energetic preaching in favor of science against the
terrible myths of the “races”.

It is an incontrovertible truth that the Cuban prolific writer Don
Fernando Ortiz from his early youth, developed an active and tireless
battle against racism, that scourge that has darkened, for centuries,
the history of Humanity and that still, unfortunately lacerates the
contemporary world.
The deceit of races, as known in those fundamental essays related to
the subject that troubled and occupied him during a long and fruitful
intellectual exercise makes him an indispensable figure in studies
linked to the identity of the Cuban nation.

There are, however, investigations, essays and articles that are less
known signed by Fernando Ortiz before and after the mentioned work in
which he also presents his thoughts on the myth of the races and about
several manners racism is manifested. Thoughts that now appear in a
volume entitled Fernando Ortiz contra la raza y los racismos (Fernando
Ortiz against race and racism) (Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, 2013,
296 pp) in which Jesús Guanche Pérez and José Antonio Matos Arévalos
group 11 texts written more than five decades before, between 1910 and

Presenting this selection Guanche Pérez and Matos Arévalos write:
“For more than half a century Fernando Ortiz intensely battled in a
campaign of investigation, propaganda and action in favor of an anti
racist cause like an energetic teacher in favor of science and the
terrible myth of the “races”. He tried to persuade, to convince, to
teach, to open up an understanding of the unity of the human species,
regardless of the many physical and cultural variations symbol of a
broad capacity of adaptation and transformer of the ecosystem”

“One of the studies listed, entitled Martí and the races reproduces
that conference delivered by the author of Los negros brujos, in 1941,
a series organized by the Cuban Society of Historical and
International Studies in Homage of the National Hero. Substantial and
revealing investigation that affirms:

“The Cuban José Martí, like all men, was merely a drop of blood, in
the bloodshed in all crossroads in which loving couples nailed their
eternal humanity and, also, like all genius, had in mind the essence
of mixed races of ideas that are born in the arms of the cultures of
the world.

“That in face of the dangerous problems of racism let all Cubans
always be inspired by the teaching and emotions of José Martí! Within
reason he is called the Apostle. He gave us a doctrine of love and
knowledge, blessed with his sacrifice and with saving grace continues
to protect Cuba; more so, in these times of aggressive re colonization
and in which so many sinister strangers, the enemies that Martí always
had; want to degrade the destinies of our homeland and makes us betray
our faith”.

Opportune, necessary, valuable, the publication of Fernando Ortiz
against race and racisms these texts have not lost their validity.
Reflections that today stimulate to think of the threats and
challenges that still must be confronted and solved for humanity in
the new century and millennium.

Translated by the Network in Defense of Humanity

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Cuba USA
