Ethics and social justice continue to be the most important principles for Cuba
Cuba USA

Ethics and social justice continue to be the most important principles for Cuba

by Armando Hart Dávalos
source Juventud Rebelde
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Ethics and social justice continue to be the most important principles for Cuba, America and the world today; they were objectives of the heroic men and women of the Moncada led by Fidel having not only received absolution but eternal gratitude of its people and for posterity.

As I have written in other occasions, for me, it began as a question of moral character. I have affirmed, several times: “in this history I buried my life since the fifties and reached a train of thought and sentiment that I identify with the remote memories of my childhood:
The ideas of justice and social redemption are found, therefore, in my most intimate roots”. Those values and convictions reached me through an ethical sense, transmitted by the family, the school and Cuban cultural tradition whose highest and most elaborate point is found in José Martí.

The enormous obstacles that Cuba found in its road towards a free development without foreign interference, demanded sin colonial times with great strength in defense of sovereignty and national independence let us remember the three powers of that era that intermittently intended to dominate our country.
The harshest reality confirmed the anguish of Martí and fears of Maceo for the country that made the revolution of I895 and whose development was sidetracked, its liberty limited and its sovereignty severed. The Platt Ammendment and giving of our wealth to the voracity of Yankee capitalism were the result of that ill-fated action against our movement of liberation and imperialist US expansionism.

The neocolonial character of the new born Republic made it impossible – even – for a bourgeoisie to rise harboring a certain national ideal and in its place appeared the improvised and fake bourgeoisie as a result of that parasitic economy, conceived above all for the exploitation of the nation.

More or less that was the first half of the Cuban 20th century – with solitary and honorable exception the also frustrated revolution of 1933 and some exceptions of the Constitution of 1940 – because in
this first half occurred the total abandonment of the principles of Martí that should have prevailed in our historical evolution and importance as a nation. Also the moral and ethical crisis deepened to deplorable extremes characterized by a generalized political and administrative corruption and plunder of public funds.

Strangely enough it was the military coup of March 10 of 1952 headed by Fulgencio Batista and his henchmen, with its uncontrollable thirst for power and wealth that created the conditions that led – not without sharp contractions, discrepancies and clashes with the old traditional politicos of the time – to the revolutionary process of armed struggle that ended on January 1 of 1959 with the victory of the Rebel Army. The attack of the Moncada and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes barracks on July 26 of 1953, in answer to the treasonable coup constituted the important event that changed the history of Cuba because it is the deepest feat of political and historical significance of the country since the coup d'etat.

From that moment on everything was different because July 26 of 1953 marked a before and after of Cuban life and since then the direction of the anti Batista movement passed to the hands of Fidel who became the most influential and decisive figure that grew as time passed.

A conclusion can be reached that the 26 of July expressed the synthesis of the thought and program of José Martí with the realities and demands of the Cuban society at the time; on the other hand, he
answered in his form and style the realization of our revolutionary tradition.

During the 50s there was an ethical vacuum of political surface of that society and the insurrection in July 26 began to produce gradually a moral and cultural rise of far social reach. The attack of the second in importance military fort of the country was a necessary and immediate reply to the Batista military takeover; the heroism and audacity of the combatants of those actions decisively reverberated in the national, political and social situation. Since then and with the appearance of History will Absolve me and the accusations of the crimes committed against the defenseless prisoners.

The genesis of the Cuban Revolution that in 1961 proclaimed its expressly reveal this content it was evident in the economic, social and moral demands fused to the best ethical traditions of Cuban
society with the most necessary and urgent emancipatory measures.

This line of thought and sentiment to open the roads of political action was taken by the Generation of the Centennial in the political, literary and moral tradition bequeathed to us by the parental
precursors of the Cuban Homeland, from father Jose Agustín Caballero, the Presbyterian Felix Varela, the teacher José de la Luz y Caballero and José Martí who gave them universal reach when he said “With the poor people of this land, I want to share my lot”; and as the intellectual author of the Moncada gave the 26th of July an ethical, patriotic and heroic sentiment and demand for equality and social justice that the nation demanded.

Ethics and social justice continue to be important necessities for Cuba, America and the world of today; they were objectives of the heroic men and women of the Moncada headed by Fidel for which he not only was absolved but the eternal gratitude of its people and for

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