Declaration of the Network In Defense of Humanity regarding the death of the extraordinary South African writer, NADINE GORDIMER,
Cuba USA

Declaration of the Network In Defense of Humanity regarding the death of the extraordinary South African writer, NADINE GORDIMER,

When the network “In Defense of Humanity” began there was Nadine to add her voice and
enormous prestige to the new movement.

Declaration of the Network IN DEFENSE OF HUMANITY regarding the death of the extraordinary South African writer, NADINE GORDIMER, dear friend of our people and the Cuban Revolution.
With the death of Nadine Gordimer universal literature bids farewell to a prominent person, most luminous and authentic and fighter for a just cause in this world. A firm fighter, with integrity who invariably dedicated her life to the poor of this land, as Martí said.

The Cuban Revolution always had the support and loyalty of Nadine who never believed the avalanche of defamations built daily by the imperial machine. That is why she condemned the cruel and genocide blockade. She took up the cause of the Five. And when the network “In Defense of Humanity” began there was Nadine to add her voice and enormous prestige to the new movement.

She never betrayed herself, nor in her creation or in her conduct. Her extraordinary talent also placed her as an example of ethical height.
She was formed in a beastly society marked by violence and the fascist racism of apartheid and did not want to look away. From here her literary sensitivity and social and political sensitivity would grow early in her life, in the love for words and for justice, for his fellow beings. She became a great worker and valuable militant of the National African Congress.
She obtained much more than the Nobel Prize for Literature: the admiration and infinite love of those who could reach her from any corner of the planet, her value as an artist and as a human being.

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