We join the demand for the freedom of the Cuban heroes kidnapped by the Empire. Statement by the Network in Defense of Humanity
Cuba USA

We join the demand for the freedom of the Cuban heroes kidnapped by the Empire. Statement by the Network in Defense of Humanity

During the long history of the excesses of the empire on Our America,the arrest and imprisonment of the Five Cuban Heroes is a shameful exercise of absolute actions that the United States is proud to exert.

About the five fighters for the dignity of our soil, about their sacrifice to insure the rights of people to decide freely their future and their sacrifice in defense of their small homeland, the hatred of the empire fell on them in an example of savage and shameless procedures.

Regarding the five Cubans imprisoned through the frustration of those who conspire all kinds of actions against the Cuban revolution and have wrought in false powers and hatred of the most reactionary and fascist right wing living in the south of Florida. Their imprisonment is based on the hatred for the Cuban Revolution.

Against this hatred the Five Cuban Heroes have risen, on the contrary, a huge wall of love for their Cuba and humanity that has become the largest example of dignity, generosity and personal integrity that inspires the peoples of the world that fight, each according to theircircumstances, against the imperial powers.

For the freedom of the three heroes that remain imprisoned in U.S. jails rise up voices of the world.
Voices that will not be silenced until they return to their Cuban homeland.
From the Network of Intellectuals and Artists in Defense of Humanity we join the world uproar and will not stop the collective fight for their definitive liberation.

Caracas, 06 June 2014

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Cuba USA
