US imperialism. The New York Times and Cuba
Cuba USA

US imperialism. The New York Times and Cuba

by Fernando Martínez Heredia
source La Pupila Insomne
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

US imperialism is the historical enemy and an enemy today of the existance of an independent nation in Cuba and all processes of liberations of the dignified life of the Cuban people.

It was never possible for Cuba to have in the US a good neighbor. Since we managed to free ourselves from the yoke on January 1 of 1959 to today it has tried to break our socialism of national liberation and submit us once again, systematically and by all means, from criminal actions to the most subtle. The marvelous conscience we have developed of unity and the strength we have been an efficient barrier against imperialism.

In the current situation exchanges and interactions of persons from both countries have grown while the imperialisit government of the US has not ceded one iota in its objectives against Cuba. The ominous
shadow of the Joint Resolution in its congress of 1898 is loud and clear:”"The people of Cuba are and by right should be ... in other words we decide what is the people of Cuba and what rights must have; its sovereignty its State and will of its people are unacceptable to us (the US). They will never be forgiven the offense of liberting itself and the bad example it has given; we will never allow them to be free. 
I was happy to see all the advances and facilities in the relationship between Cubans who live in Cuba and those who live outside and among those, naturally, who live in the US forming the largest Cuban colony
abroad.  It is very positive that artists, athletes and other specialists living in our country are active in the US, something that would not be news If that country had a less aggressive behavior, and that people of that country who are friends of Cuba or interested in meeting us be allowed  by their government to visit Cuba. At the same time it does not escape me that the US imperialism has always tried to adapt all situations to its aggressive plans against Cuba and work in that direction. There is more than half a century of known examples.

The New York Times is a large institution in the sector of information and formation of public opinion, old and influential, and subject to the corresponding norms of the idea that its function and role is to be at the service of current order in its country and its foreign  imperialist policy. In all systems of domination developed each in its own sphere, its manner and function. I think they had never felt sympathy for a society that we are trying to build in Cuba but I must admit that it is part of the educated sector of our enemies. Of couse, it is not less dangerous: it can be a more efficient vehicle than the dirty work of the mas media. They try to confuse us, divide us, fight each other around our evils and deficiencies and to show distrust and cause trouble with our friends for Latin America and  the Caribbean and even the United States.

That is why I am concerned over the opening up of contracts in some relations that are growing that they try to discuss of our social issues in the imperialist media. We are living through a crucial time in Cuba of cultural confrontation between socialism and capitalism.
Us who favor the victory of socialism must act accordingly and demonstrate, with clarity, the principle issues, because in times such as these these questions demand clarity and determination.


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Cuba USA
