Cuba-US: Age old conflict prior to the Revolution
Cuba USA

Cuba-US: Age old conflict prior to the Revolution

by Angel Guera
translation Cuba/Network in Defense of Humanity

It is time to celebrate very justified the re establishment of diplomatic relations between Cuba and the United States and the re opening of their embassies historically on July 20. With the emotion
of millions of people seeing the Flag of the solitary star wave in the Washington sky by Foreign Affairs minister Bruno Rodríguez and three soldiers of the homeland.

Without belittling the recognition of Barak Obama for his brave break with the aggressive routine of more than half a century and the beginning of a civilized dialogue with respect for the sovereignty of
Cuba. To proclaim that without the heroic resistance of the Cuban people and leadership of Fidel and Raúl and the demands of all Latin America and the Caribbean this outcome would not have been possible.
We must give thanks to all the popular, religious, intellectual, and political and entrepreneurs it would have been to row against the current in the United States to reach this point. For recognizing
China and Russia their friendship and solidarity with Cuba while their power grew and consolidated a multi-polarity; like all the governments that have voted in the UN for 17 years against the blockade.
But it is now time not to forget the historical context that led to the existing difficulties between both countries, some insurmountable while Cuba waved the flag of socialism that I am sure will be for a
long time. To keep aware that the conflict between Cuba and the United States did not begin with the Cuban revolution as some hegemonic media and ideologues of the counter revolution want us to believe. Undoubtedly after 1959 it acquired a belligerence never before seen.

Historical evidence points truly to the will of domination and annexation of the Island by the bourgeois class of the 13 colonies even before the US revolution (1776). This is just so after the
British took Havana (1762). Those who opposed London for withdrawing were the large business people of the colonies of the north whose prosperity relied on the traffic of rum and molasses so abundant in Cuba. That is why they supplied hundreds of men to British troops that invaded the Cuban capital. This tendency was defined during the early 19th century and, above all, through the proclamation of the Monroe Doctrine (1823). Since then Washington has taken many actions aimed at the annexation of the island that its expression is the military intervention of 1898 followed by the occupation and many actions of interference that were not halted until 1959.

Realizing that in Cuba a real revolution had taken place, headed by Fidel who was not willing to give up the independence and sovereignty of the country, the United States broke diplomatic relations with the Island and undertook what could be called without exaggeration, a war not declared. By what other name can be called the campaign of hundreds of terrorist actions that lasted in recent years, the defeat of the Bay of Pigs invasion, the many actions of biological warfare. The plans of destabilization that continues and, of course, the blockade that is still enforced although President Obama has discretely softened it and asked Congress to lift it.

Without this very brief recollection it is not possible to understand the root of this bilateral conflict and the nature of both contenders in which Washington continues to be expansionist and imperialist and has been the aggressor. The Cuban people, on the other hand, have always acted in defense of it right to independence, sovereignty and self determination against the aggression of its neighbor. A more aware and combative action when the government takes measures to improve the conditions of life of its citizens that necessarily affects the interests of the large US corporations and provoked a
fierce hostility of the northern power.

This was not only due to the interests affected by the revolutionary measures but also the fear that the example be followed by other nations of the region it hat they always considered their back yard
and where it never or accepted that till today reforms modify their dictates. Here we have the example of our sister Venezuela.

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Cuba USA
