Cuba, its position of principles and the blockade in UN General Assembly
Cuba USA

Cuba, its position of principles and the blockade in UN General Assembly

by Hugo Moldiz Mercado
source Cubadebate
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

No one can prevent, as observed the tendencies within the United Nations General Assembly that Cuba again will obtain an historical victory – perhaps the largest in 23 consecutive years – as a just demand for the immediate lifting of the criminal economic and trade blockade of the United States applied since 1961.

The most important reason for this enormous possibility becomes a fact is that the US ultra rightwing has been unable to revert the tendency, is the favorable willingness of the United States State Department to abstain, for the moment, its vote on the resolution condemning the blockade that Cuba presents every year. What’s more, since there is no improvisation in such an important world meeting of nations, Israel has to be excluded – the State created by the US after the 2nd World War that will accompany in solitary the genocidal policy of Washington – to join in the abstention.

Since 1992, in the midst of a uni polar world that began with the collapse of the Eastern Europe socialist block between 1989 and 1991, Cuban foreign policy has obtained 23 consecutive victories in the UN.
One of the reasons is the diplomacy of the first socialist country in Latin America since the 20th century that has demonstrated the force of its arguments, the genocidal character of the measure and its extra territorial reach.

All this is in the hands of Obama. Within the State Department there is a current very much in line with the Defense Department to present a hard line in the UN Assembly. Then the first black president of the United States has asked Congress to repeal the euphemistically called economic and trade “embargo” that is an enormous challenge to the defeat of the currents that insist in maintaining a strategy that has failed, as recognized by the White House last December 17, when it announced, in Havana and Washington, the beginning of a process of normalization of bilateral relations.

But if there are fissures in the US policy and the extreme right aims to harden its policy towards the world, Cuba expresses cohesion and a strong position of principles. In spite of the blockade that has caused economic damages of about 900 billion dollars it has developed a systematic subversive campaign against the socialist government.
Nevertheless Cuba has never abandoned is struggle for Latin American integration, for world peace and equality among states.

There was never a doubt – created and fed from the international rightwing since the beginning of the process of normalization of relations between Cuba and the US – on the position of the socialist State in the world and Latin America. When President Raúl Castro received Pope Francisco he ratified the historical tradition for 55 years now: the identification with the peoples of Latin America, a commitment to the emancipating exploits, the integration of the countries of the South and the radical criticism of capitalism as a system of oppression and exploitation.

The United Nations will resume its activities a few days after Pope Francisco visited Cuba and the United States. In Cuba the leader of the Catholic church was received with respect and optimism by the authorities and people of this large Island of the Antilles not only because he played the first road in the secret conversations between both countries 18 months before December of 2014 but for the recognized tradition of Cuban hospitality.

Another issue that should not be ignored. The US-Cuba relations can only achieve normalization if the blockade is lifted, the naval base in Guantanamo returned and full respect for Cuban sovereignty.
Intending to achieve the end of the Cuban revolution with other already known methods for more than half a century would be more defeats. As Fidel Castro has repeatedly pointed out, it would defeat the most powerful imperialism known to humanity ever.

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Cuba USA
