The U.S. Justifies Opposition to Anti- Cuba Blockade Resolution
Cuba USA

The U.S. Justifies Opposition to Anti- Cuba Blockade Resolution

source Radio Rebelde

Faced with an avalanche of speeches by representatives of organizations and governments that demanded an end to the economic, financial and commercial blockade against Cuba, the United States tried to justify on Tuesday its opposition to the draft resolution against that policy submitted to the United Nations General Assembly.
In a speech well distanced from the universal claim of eliminating the criminal siege and alien to the principles of international law and reality, the U.S. representative recalled the aspiration of his government in this regard, following the agreements reached with Havana in 2014 and the reestablishment of diplomatic relations on July 20.

His words were aimed at highlighting the spirit and commitment of President Barack Obama of asking Congress to lift the "embargo" without remembering the prerogatives that the president can make use of, because he has simply resorted to measures that have become mere palliatives, since the blockade continues in full application, as Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez warned minutes before.

While trying to present Cuba’s claim as unjustifiable and ungrateful, he listed the efforts of cooperation (and aspirations) with his country in the field of health, in environmental protection and climate change, against the scourge of drugs and respect for human rights.

He acknowledged that the normalization of relations will take years, given its complexity, but regretted that despite the steps taken by Obama in favor of the

Cuban people, the island presents this time a resolution that is identical to that of previous years, he stated, in clear ignorance of the just claim of Cuba and the new international context arising after December 17, 2014.

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Cuba USA
