While Europe plays politics, the neo-Nazi lie in wait
Cuba USA

While Europe plays politics, the neo-Nazi lie in wait

by Omar Olazábal Rodríguez
source Cubadebate
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The Government of Ukraine has just received a gift: 20% of its foreign debt has been condoned. That is equivalent to almost 20 billion Euros. I imaging that this news must have pleased many in the country although they will have to pay the remaining 80%; a slight tap in the back for those who today govern in Kiev. But at least it is a slight tap in the back.

The person who smiles for the camera giving a bouquet of flowers to his Minister of Finances is Arseni Yatseniuk, the most visible face of the coup against Viktor Yanukovich in February of 2014. The condoning of the debt was presented as an important achievement against those called the enemy, Russia. He has maintained the position of Prime Minister since the coup.

Yatseniuk has a shady past. Experts in Ukrainian subject point out that the official biography does not mention that she was born in a Jewish family with Rumanian roots that many consider as an attempt to prevent attacks by his opponents, especially those who demand that high policy must be managed by persons of “100% Ukrainian ethnic purity”. In 2009 he was accused of illegal expenditures in his campaign for the Presidency in which he only received 6,7% of the votes.
The political philosophy of this personage is close to neo-Nazi thought that has gained strength in Europe. In a moment of hysteria, he publicly called the Russians as “subhuman”. These words spread
around the worlds demonstration of the ideology of those who took real power in the Ukraine after the coup d’état. He has tried to rewrite history declaring that the USSR invaded German and the Ukraine in the Second World War.

What is more worrisome is the “gift” to the Ukraine by forces of the European right wing that increasingly raises its presence in the political debate of the region. The recognition of a regime that is the result of external maneuvers and support reminds us of similar events in Europe in the last century. It is interesting how history repeats itself once again.

In a position diametrically opposite, this same European Union makes no concession to a Government installed by the masses such as the case of Greece. Regardless of the view we can have over that attitude of Tsipras, the truth is that it did not grant a reprieve of the Greek
part and imposed leonine conditions to maintain the European financial system. It seems that they applied this pressure to force Greece to leave the Euro zone.

Some sources say that these threads are managed from Berlin. With several countries under the threat of right wing movements who want to leave the European Union or the Euro zone, by trying to push the Greeks to do the same is extremely dangerous. Signs by extremist groups abound, especially by those who plan to end immigration and limit the common European space, “Schengen”. What for some may seem illogical for others that design policy has a precise end.

While they receive gifts from the political extremists, immigrant children are beaten in the heart of Europe. Controls are stronger preventing entrance of people from underdeveloped nations and the
number of deaths trying to reach coasts and European land borders increase.

What seems to be the crux of the matter is to use any means necessary to prevent anti-capital movements reach power. But these elites cannot allow the luxury of simple threats to their pocket. Although the consequences can pass against to millions of deaths in the future; if that is what they call the future.

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