Latin America and the Greek Tragedy
Cuba USA

Latin America and the Greek Tragedy

by Juan J. Paz y Miño C
source El Telegrafo
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

In Europe I have witnessed the reaction regarding the economic problems of Greece; a central theme in every news program on television and in the newspapers.

The risk of Greece leaving the Euro zone and giving a “bad example” is battled every day. Alexis Tsipras, Greek Prime Minister and leader of the Coalition of the Radical Left (Syriza), has been systematically attacked for being “populist” and there have been those who claim that he is copying the Latin American comparing him to Evo Morales, Nicolás Maduro and even Rafael Correa.

The Greek referendum in which the victory of NO (61.31%) rejected the conditions of the “troika” (European Commission, Central European Bank and the International Monetary Fund), but although finally Tsipras decided to bow to the creditors with a unique declaration: “We do not believe in the agreement but are forced to accept it”.

The Greek Parliament, after strong debates, ratified him. As Atilio Borón explained they not only sought the defeat of Syriza, “but sought to assure that dishonor and shame bathe with indelible features the naughty Greeks so no one ever has the effrontery to ignore the mandates of the bankers and the politicians who govern in their name”.

The result: for 86 000 million Euros Greek must adjust pensions raise the IVA, revise its work system and cut public expenditures, free the economy and assure privatizations.
It is a “social genocide” declared the president of the Parliament, Zoe Constantopoulou, one of the opposers to the agreement and former minister Yanis Varoufakis.

The Euro zone has become therefore the guardian of transnational financial capital and neo liberalism. And it is up to Greece to recover the road that Latin America also took at the hands of the IMF during the 80s and that had such serious social consequences (unemployment, under employment, emigrations, flexibilities and scarce
work), economic, political and governmental results it brought to the countries of the region.

If something good has been done by the governments of the new left in Latin America is give the IMF the boot and its economic measures that, as can be seen, are still standing and adjusted in the Old Continent, where the social economic model of the market set up after the Second World War (1939-1945), has promoted a social capitalism that substantially improved the conditions of life and work while the European systems begin to crumble in several countries. The Greek tragedy is moving in the opposite direction of Latin America where the construction of a type of social capitalism is at the hands of the governments of the new left that, inevitably, lead to social advance, not only generates a lack of understanding of all kinds but also a virulent reaction of the economic and political sectors that before ruled the state in hegemony with the IMF.

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