The peoples of the world back the Greek Republic / Network in Defense of Humanity
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The peoples of the world back the Greek Republic / Network in Defense of Humanity

From the Network of Intellectuals, Artists and Social Movements in Defense of Humanity we accuse with indignation the new and deadly attack on the self determination of the Greek people by the Troika,
integrated by the European Commission, the International Monetary Fund and the Central Bank of Europe (CBE) in open complicity with the private Banking system, the transnationals and the main European“leaders”.

Although indignant is the story of how European institutionalism and its allies have fraudulently indebted Greece under the alleged coverof collaborationist governments, even more indignant and horrifying is knowing how these results of adjustments and “rescues” that these institutions have imposed in the last six years and that demands the government of Tsipras to delve in those waters to “withdraw from the crisis”. Although indebtedness was the main excuse that was used to intervene in Greece the truth of the matter is that enforced was set in motion with the first rescue in 2010; the Greek public debt increased instead of lowering: in 2009 it represented 126% of its GDP (about 301 000 million Euros) while today after unprecedented strong cuts in public expenditure in postwar Europe, it rose to 180% of its GDP, in other words about 317 000 million Euros. No macroeconomic figure has improved after the intervention of experts and the application of austerity and adjustment that, according to them, “intend to clean and balance accounts”. The GDP fell 25%; consumption of food in the population to 28.5%; a reduction of pensions; 45% of pensioners living before the threshold of poverty; 26% of unemployment and more than 50% of unemployment for youths. All has unleashed a wave of migration. Another determining factor to consider is the rise of 35% of suicides registered since 2011.
Once again the real face of capitalism is revealing by unmercifully pushing the Greek people to the edge of the cliff with the manifest intention of completing its plan of appropriation of the country and its inhabitants. Pressure has increased after the call of the Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras for a referendum planned for July 5 that was already held with a majority of votes for no asking the Greek people
of they accept or not of the conditions imposed by the Troika to continue its program of restructuring the debt. This referendum has revealed that democracy should be defended.

In face of the dehumanized mechanism of indebtedness by which the owners of economic power became the creditors of a debt they themselves promoted. These programs of austerity burden falls not only on those that have but on the people that have cynically been pushed to destitution. Consequently we call on the peoples of the world to make their indignation heard against the capitalist aberration, while extending their arms in love and solidarity for the men and women of Greece who decided, in sovereignty, about the direction the Republic will take economically.

As Tsipras has said, the people that invented democracy will give a lesson about democracy to the Europeans. The nation knew how to be one of the grand civilizations much before any other European country. It will stand on its feet and raise its head. The people reject the ultimatum of the fascist forces in the world war and heroically resisted while others simply surrendered. It gave an overwhelming NO.
In Greece, like in Venezuela, Syria, Ecuador and many other places democracy and the future of humanity is targeted

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