Sound Off
Cuba USA

Sound Off

Fellow FREEDOM-fighters I am so sick of politicians promising this and that and really DOING nothing for Cuba. Kennedy first CASTROTated us by removing our God given right to defend country. We have waited fifty years believing and waiting for a politician to deliver us the promise land. It's NOT going to happen!

Cubans inside and outside the island are the ones who must obtain FREEDOM for Cuba. Stop the all the excuses! Let's stop all the little nitpicking in fights on whose a better Cuban, we all bleed the same dammit!

You understanding what I am saying Vern?

- "castro: Pope Francis So Impressive I Might Return To Church"
Dictator Castro "MIGHT" return to the church, if let's see, the Vatican helps with the removal of the embargo and removing Cuba from the terror list? I hope the Vatican pressed the dictator on: -Stop BEATING up the Ladies in White on the way to...

- Dr. Biscet: Medal Of Freedom....what Are We Doing
My FREEDOM-loving brethren, what have we done today or everyday for the FREEDOM of Cuba? I know we all have problems, we all are busy, and just the everyday grind of life distracts us on the meaning of life. I have been constantly whining lately with...

- "idaho Governor Seeking Approval For Trade Mission To Cuba"
The dealing with the devil continues! Idaho governor Gov. C.L. “Butch” wants to go to Cuba again to deal with apartheid communist Cuba. Well, isn't that just Jim Dandy! Back in 2004 Idaho inked in blood a 10 million dollar deal with the rutless...

- Adios To El Cafe Cubano?
This blog started out as a solemn promise to a special person and dedicated to a FREE Cuba. The struggle has been going on for 47 years with many frustrations and many deaths! The world does not seem to care. The world acts if the Cuban people deserve...

- Sign Of The Cross For Cuba
Heard a great sermon today at mass with a special message. The power of the sign of the Cross will bless those in Cuba and foster a special blessing for FREEDOM. Good will triumph over evil. So my fellow freedom fighters: In the name of the Father,...

Cuba USA
