"Castro: Pope Francis so impressive I might return to church"
Cuba USA

"Castro: Pope Francis so impressive I might return to church"

Dictator Castro "MIGHT" return to the church, if let's see, the Vatican helps with the removal of the embargo and removing Cuba from the terror list?

I hope the Vatican pressed the dictator on:

-Stop BEATING up the Ladies in White on the way to Church
-Stop aiding and abetting the FARC in Colombia
-The release of ALL Political Prisoners
-FREEDOM of speech, religion, and of the press
-FREE Elections
-Regime change after one family in power for 56 years
-Accountability for ALL the executions
-All the wealth stolen from the Cubans returned back to the Cubans
-Stop CONSTANTLY HARASSING the Cuban people
-What happened to Oswaldo Paya?
- STOP the Travel Restrictions and the Family Separation
-Stop sending weapons and missiles to terrorist countries
-Removal of over ALL castro spies in Miami.
-Did Fidel really sellout Che?
-What's the deal with spermgate, and why were political prisoners in Cuba NOT given the same "SPECIAL TREATMENT?"
-Stop "LATINO" activist and comedians from HATING and RESENTING Cubans and not have Cubans EXCLUDED from the exclusive "LATINO" Club
-pay for the dental work for Allan Gross
-APOLOGY to the CUBAN people for ALL the atrocities committed against them.

- Cuba For Dummies!
Everyone is abuzz about the improved relations between the USA and Cuba! The Pope is about to visit Cuba next month! To help with this, El Cafe Cubano will run a daily post on "tips" about Cuba, Cuban exiles, and everything having to do with Cuba.........

- "hollywood Insiders Descend On Havana"
That's the problem.....every time their is a article or post about people visiting Cuba, the first picture you get is that of them riding in a "classic" car in Havana and making the obligatory stop at Ernest Hemingway’s former home. Do I...

- Cuba News: The Cuba Issue Is Resolved
  Over the last several weeks in the media, I've seen non-stop articles on how Cuba will AUTOMATICALLY change and be RESOLVED because of:  *Basketball Diplomacy *Dictator Castro went to a Jesuit School and since the Pope...

- "cuba Welcomes Vatican Official"
"A top official from the Vatican Secretariat of State is in Cuba for a six-day trip that already has given him opportunity to express hope negotiations over political prisoners will continue to give fruit, and to reiterate opposition to the U.S. embargo...

- "idaho Governor Seeking Approval For Trade Mission To Cuba"
The dealing with the devil continues! Idaho governor Gov. C.L. “Butch” wants to go to Cuba again to deal with apartheid communist Cuba. Well, isn't that just Jim Dandy! Back in 2004 Idaho inked in blood a 10 million dollar deal with the rutless...

Cuba USA
