"Hollywood Insiders Descend on Havana"
Cuba USA

"Hollywood Insiders Descend on Havana"

That's the problem.....every time their is a article or post about people visiting Cuba, the first picture you get is that of them riding in a "classic" car in Havana and making the obligatory stop at Ernest Hemingway’s former home.

Do I have to do a post titled: " Cuba for Dummies?"

Apparently they have not read: "The top 10 things to do when visiting Cuba"

They are riding in classic cars, because that's ALL that the FREAKING Cubans have!!!! No ADVANCEMENT in the last 56 years!!!!! It's ALL because of the DICTATOR BROTHERS have destroyed Cuba.

NOT the Cuban exiles
NOT Global warming
NOT Miami
NOT the American politicians who are of Cuban descent
NOT because Cubans are NOT allowed in the exclusive "Latino" Club

- Cuban Selfie Of The Day
  So much for the polls and who know what's going to happen from here on? It's incredible that we have 2out of the top 3 contenders for the Republican nomination who have Cuban roots. In just one generation we have 2 Cubiches that could...

- Cuba For Dummies!!!!!!
Everyone is abuzz about the improved relations between the USA and Cuba! The Pope is about to visit Cuba next month! To help with this, El Cafe Cubano will run a daily post on "tips" about Cuba, Cuban exiles, and everything having to do with Cuba.........

- Cuban Chrome.........more Like Cuban Rust
This week I just finished watching the first two episodes of  the show "Cuban Chrome" on the discovery channel. The show is basically about a Cuban Car Club and the struggle for them to fix and find parts for their classic cars. Now according...

- "castro: Pope Francis So Impressive I Might Return To Church"
Dictator Castro "MIGHT" return to the church, if let's see, the Vatican helps with the removal of the embargo and removing Cuba from the terror list? I hope the Vatican pressed the dictator on: -Stop BEATING up the Ladies in White on the way to...

- "an End To Classic Cars Rumbling Across Cuba?"
I came across this article several days ago and of course I mumbled some vulgarities on how dumb the media is concerning Cuba. I decided not to dwell on it, but something inside of me told me NOT to let this one slide by...... So having classic...

Cuba USA
