"Idaho governor seeking approval for trade mission to Cuba"
Cuba USA

"Idaho governor seeking approval for trade mission to Cuba"

The dealing with the devil continues! Idaho governor Gov. C.L. “Butch” wants to go to Cuba again to deal with apartheid communist Cuba. Well, isn't that just Jim Dandy! Back in 2004 Idaho inked in blood a 10 million dollar deal with the rutless dictator and all under the guise that it benefits both Idaho and the Cuban people. Really fleabag? Stop the crap, if you just want to make a buck, just be honest and say so! Stop repeating the commie propaganda from the crusty dictator and repeating: "if the embargo were lifted" "we are here to help the Cuban people" or " if it weren't for those pesky exiles" yet not ONCE have I heard any the representatives denounce the atrocities, ask for FREEDOM of the political prisoners, help the Cuban people foster democracy? We are sick of the stupid pictures of you wearing a guayabera fawning all over the dictator, raulita, ramon"el jamon" and "tricky ricky alarcon. Stop selling stupid Idaho and those who deal with the dictator. JUST BE HONEST, and we can take it. what we can't take is the b.s. that you care about the Cuban people. Only 48 years of brutality, just ask any Cuban who has lived through the pain, REALLY, just ask any Cuban, not the dictatorship or the media, or a idiotic think tank.

Just remember when Cuba is FREE, we won't forget who dealt with the dictator!!!!!!!!

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Cuba USA
