How do you spell potato?
Cuba USA

How do you spell potato?

Idaho Gov. Butch Otter is in Cuba now trying to do business with the apartheid dictatorship. As with the other governors please spare us the B.S. about how they care about the Cuban people and "We are going to continue to build good relationships with the folks in Cuba." The "folks" in Cuba who do business is only the apartheid dictatorship. The normal "folks" don't have any FREEDOMS! Just be honest and say you want to make $$$$$$$ for your dairy, grain and potato producers.

There was outrage in apartheid South Africa, now there is a deafening silence concerning apartheid Cuba......

- The Apartheid Dictator Retires Or Does He????
The media eating it up concerning the announcement of the adidas clad apartheid dictator "stepping aside." Forget about 401K's and social security, mr. "reflections" used the "Let's screw Cuba and the Cuban people plan." Effectively destroying...

- I Am Sick And Tired......
I hope all of you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS! This year was special since we spent it with family for the first time in years, but one thing irritates me... We all gathered at a relatives house for a good ole fashioned Cuban style lechon! During the festivities...

- Slap In The Face....
Lap dog Felipe Perez Roque said that apartheid Cuba "WILL" sign the civil rights accord and a few blocks away at the same time, apartheid supporters were harassing with FORCE and SHOUTING down the marchers for human rights. Again the apartheid dictatorship...

- Same Old Stuff From Raulita
The dictatorcizes apparently have not worked on the Adidas wearing apartheid dictator. He must of been "REFLECTING' today since he was a no-show? Diverticulitis and tubes do not sit well for photo ops or romantic interludes with mini-me. I will not...

- Bama Heads Towards Cuba
Another state heading towards Cuber to hawk their goods with the apartheid dictator. I have said this a thousand times, be honest people, say your interested in making money and cut the crap about how you care about the Cuban people or we want to develop...

Cuba USA
