I am sick and tired......
Cuba USA

I am sick and tired......

I hope all of you had a MERRY CHRISTMAS! This year was special since we spent it with family for the first time in years, but one thing irritates me... We all gathered at a relatives house for a good ole fashioned Cuban style lechon! During the festivities this recent arrival from South America tries to LECTURE my father about Cuba and about the United States. Can you imagine this? He goes on how HE has visited Cuba and the very town my dear father is from and PRAISING the apartheid dictatorship and blaming the U.S. for all of Cuba's woes. My father who always has great composure(NOT me!) wen't on to basically school him about how HE is from CUBA, HE was there during the revolution, and how HE and millions of Cubans have had to endure the nightmare of an apartheid dictatorship.

That is the problem, everyone blames the U.S, yet it's the apartheid dictatorship who took power(never voted in) and took away all the FREEDOMS! Who ordered all the executions? Who ordered all those in prison simply for opposing ideas? Who instituted the ration books, Who confiscated personal properties? Who orders the brutal violence against dissidents who march peacefully?

This recent arrival comments on the beauty of this house and how HE wants to have a house like this now, not knowing the hard work and years my relatives have been busting their ass!

If you don't like the United States, then get out and go live in Cuba. Why did you come here?

- Stunned..........
This past Sunday I attended mass with my family to thank God for all my blessings and forgiveness for all my sins! We leave our local Church and we pick up some publications on our way out. One of these publications is the Florida Catholic. I start...

- Obama
Strange? Obama will talk today in Miami, just in time with all the rumors that the adidas wearing apartheid dictator is dead. Coincidinky? I don't thinky! Obama just recently gave his thoughts on how he feels we should engage the dictatorship and...

- The Real Sicko
Michael "el gordo mierda" Moore is taking again a new low with regards to the movie "Sicko." Not only did he take ailing ground zero workers to apartheid Cuba for medical care, now with this movie, he basically foams at the mouth talking about the healthcare...

- How Do You Spell Potato?
Idaho Gov. Butch Otter is in Cuba now trying to do business with the apartheid dictatorship. As with the other governors please spare us the B.S. about how they care about the Cuban people and "We are going to continue to build good relationships with...

- Let’s Talk About Ethics!
Before we talk about ethics, remember this main point: Cuba has had one dictator for 47 years and no free elections! What about all the political prisoners, executions, and tortures for 47 years? How do you justify these non-ethical points? Let’s talk...

Cuba USA
