Adios to El Cafe Cubano?
Cuba USA

Adios to El Cafe Cubano?

This blog started out as a solemn promise to a special person and dedicated to a FREE Cuba. The struggle has been going on for 47 years with many frustrations and many deaths! The world does not seem to care. The world acts if the Cuban people deserve this with the absurd justification of free education and free healthcare. The media always ignoring the "real" facts over and over again and always pointing to Cuban-Americans as the bad guys. Ever since I have started this blog, things in my personal life have turned into disarray, and who knows what kind of 'hex" the commies directed to my direction. What really hurts the most is those whom I am closest to and those whom I'd expect to do something, do NOTHING and basically ignore everything that the hard working FREEDOM FIGHTERS do. Believe me I don't do this for fame, nor political office, nor money, or some journalistic endeavor. I am not a journalist or pretend to be one. The FREEDOM FIGHTERS do this for a FREE Cuba and all the political prisoners who have no voice. We currently have a simple fast on Friday mornings for all the political prisoners in Cuba, and yet we have only the usual respondents that do more than enough! Where are you people?
I am sick and tired of all this at many different angles and I will do some serious soul searching the next several days to decide whether El Cafe Cubano will continue. I told a friend and a very dear person that I do this because of the promise and a special calling not because it's what I want to do. To be honest this can be gut wretching and can be emotionally draining.

God bless my FREEDOM loving brethren.

- Friday Fast For All Political Prisoners In Cuba
After a long absence, El Cafe Cubano is going to resume the Friday FAST for ALL the political prisoners in Cuba and hopefully soon a FREE Cuba. My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to...

- Breaking News From Cuba-friday Fast For All Political Prisoners And For A Free Cuba
For years El Cafe Cubano and many others have fasted on fridays as a small gesture in honor of ALL those who have sacrificed so much in the struggle for a FREE Cuba! The Friday fast will begin again this Friday!  Will you join us? Will...

- Reminder: Friday Fast For All Political Prisoners In Cuba, For Venezuela, And In Memory Of Our Dear Brother Tocororo Libre!
My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano...

- Reminder: Friday Fast For All Political Prisoners In Cuba
My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano...

- Fast Every Friday For All Political Prisoners In Cuba!
My fellow FREEDOM fighters their have been some misconceptions concerning the fast. First: "Do I have to fast all day?" No! the fast is just being conducted on Friday mornings. You can set your hours and how far you want to take this! El Café Cubano...

Cuba USA
