Obamas weak trip to Cuba
Cuba USA

Obamas weak trip to Cuba

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The trip that took Obama first to Cuba and later to Argentina demonstrated the desire of the Latin American and Caribbean peoples to wage battle for independence, social justice and unity. In the case of Cuba, if for no other reason, because it revealed a debate of the mass media and social networks in which intervened distinguished personalities of the Island’s intellectuals. It also unraveled the choreography and stage design of his visit; his preambles, proposing valuable ideas for updating the Cuban socialist model in the new conditions of dialogue and diplomatic relations while intensifying the cultural war waged by Washington. The answer was a rotund “we do not need the empire to give us anything” with which Fidel concluded his article entitled Brother Obama.It would be desirable for this debate to continue and add more sane voices showing the strength of Cuban socialism.

When I mention updating I am not limiting my thoughts to a change of the economic model in force; despite its importance, but the re invention – or improvement – of the national Cuban project in all its issues, especially political, cultural and social. Particularly in the enormous gravitation that are a strong concept of ethics, social justice, national independence, participation in democracy through national and historical culture largely explaining why Cuba was the first socialist revolution in our America; precisely why the White House inhabitant wants the Cubans to “look to the future”.

A future that, according to his “suggestions” would turn the anti- imperialist essence, the deep social radicalism and solidarity that characterize the Cuban Revolution, to turn 180 degrees towards its dissolution in the world dominant voracious system. The suggestions Obama made in his speech in the Alicia Alonso Grand Theater in Havana requires Cuba succumb to parasitic and speculative capitalism based on fierce individualism and save yourself policy; generator of social inequality, unemployment and incredible poverty in the very heart of the empires; as well as interventionism, uncontrollable violence and deep destruction of the social web in the subordinate countries where it imposes its macabre “war against drugs”.

A capitalism with the TPP, the Pacific Alliance and resurrection of the Free Trade treaties demonstrated in the speeches of Obama and Macri in Argentina, the division and re conquest of Latin America and the Caribbean while continuing with its military adventures that has destroyed whole countries in the Middle East and Africa.

The debate in Cuba has proven an important manifest whereby the design of a desired society mostly calls for the preservation and strengthening of independence and full freedom as regards the United States. In this manner it intended to make Cuba, previously a Spanish colony, its neo colony now since the 19th century in which it became a protectorate with the military intervention of 1898; a system that has imposed measures, cruel, immoral and genocide since the revolutionary triumph of 1959 to frustrate the emancipating dream of Marti that has fed and continues to feed the minds and hearts of most Cubans.

The visit to Argentina of the United States president occurred amidst a popular national demonstration that, although olympically ignored by Clarin and other media. Which previously printed slander and lies about the Kirchenerist governments was the largest and most diverse in its social composition and age groups in many years. Most important was the strong rejection to the neo liberal policies of Macri who his guest praised. The photographs and videos demonstrate the rejection of Yankee support to the dictatorship and genocide and, including the very presence of Obama, claimed by the mothers on the 40th anniversary of the Coup installed.

If Obama came to boost continental counterrevolution that Washington intends to set up after the defeated coup against Chávez (2002), what it has shown in this trip is that his cavalry is week.

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Cuba USA
