Obama’s blockade. For how long?
Cuba USA

Obama’s blockade. For how long?

by Esteban Morales 
source La Pupila Insomne
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

The government appeals against the blockade to the migratory measures of Obama-630x419. Almost at the conclusion of his campaign for the presidency in 2008 Barack Obama made a speech in Miami in which he declared that he would sit down to talk with friends and enemies, also with Cuba but not lift the blockade.

Consequently with this speech of change on December 17 regarding the policy towards Cuba where he said “it is not possible to do the same things and expect different results…” Obama who will maintain the blockade that, up to now, in spite of the many declarations has been consistent, changed tactics to continue moving it forward. We believe that until now Obama considers that the blockade should continue as the ideal instrument to pressure Cuba.

As we have announced in an article written in the early 2009 we asked ourselves: What would be the policy of Obama towards Cuba, we made a hypothesis that became a thesis the Obama has divided the blockade in two parts.
On the one hand, applying sweet measures to cause an impact on Cuban civilian society, making flexible issues of the blockade that could be welcome; while on the other hand, applying measures that up to now to pressure the Cuban political leadership in an aim to hinder those actions that today allow us to advance towards economic modifications in the direction of restructuring the Cuban economic model, moving it towards a framework of self sufficiency, suitability and in tune with a socialist direction.

Settling on the most recent measures of Obama “against the blockade” and taking into account his presidential prerogatives we become aware that, in truth, none of these measures are fundamental, nor are they an erosion of the blockade in its strategic sense, nor does they represent a real steps to allow the Cuban political leadership to advance in its socialist objectives. 

Paying attention to the Documents of the Departments of the Treasury and Commerce issued last September 18 we notice that our thesis of 2009 continues in force. Obama continues working with the blockade in two main directions: with some migratory measures, permission of travel and infrastructure the aid them; academic exchange; without touching the fabric of freedom to travel for tourism for the common US people; or to economically aid the exchange people to people”, etc. He tries to assure that it will benefit those groups of Cuban civilian society that presuppose a joining of all those who move in a subversive project.

As we know, what is known as the ancient and tired “counterrevolutionary” dissidence cannot accumulate more lack of prestige nor capacity for action. Therefore, the US policy must seek new personages. And they must be found within Cuban civilian society because they cannot be imported.

All the measures issued up to now, continuity of the launch on January 16 are characterized also by their unilateralism. There is nothing Cuba that can buy or sell with credit, benefit the extension of tourism, act within Cuba to complement their own measures taken from the United States. They would only be put in practice if the United States allows.

With other measures, economic ones, these are absolutely not touched upon, in fundamental terms, the need to free the use of the dollar, credits and bank activates and investments, the freedom of expenditure for tourists or free purchase that could broaden Cuban capacity for its benefit. The remittances, as we know, do not benefit the large mass of Cubans who need them most. And these last cannot be received by communist militants of government officials.

Therefore, this last package of measures maintains “key limitations” to say, in reality, that they are against the blockade.

But, additionally, “Josefina Vidal Ferreiro explained that there are limitations that prevent the application of regulations approved by Washington”.

Having to hold the meeting of experts since these announced measures has the same limitations that prevent their correct and adequate implementation.

“The measures are directed towards specific sectors and do not benefit the entire Cuban society and with an evident political objective.

Even the US officials declared it, mostly Penny Prizker, who said: “the last measures were designed to support the emergent private sector in Cuba and place us within reach of the historical objectives of the policy of President Obama. “Undoubtedly they are hones and sincere, even brutal.

What more do we need to prove to ourselves that Obama has not given an inch in his intention of subversion in Cuba? Although he declared it was not his objective.

What more do we need to know that Obama continues with the same strategy that we said was prepare in 2009?

There is not point in concluding that Obama divides the blockade in two parts to use it as an instrument for what has been called “empowering” the sectors in league with his trip to subvert the Cuban regime; while at the same time limit as much as possible the capacities of the Cuban political leadership to frustrate the interest of the vast majority of the Cuban nation in its advance towards socialism.

Now there will be important events that will have an impact on the policy of the United States towards Cuba. Raúl Castro will visit the United States and it will coincide with Pope Francisco; it is impossible to imagine that these three: Raul, Francisco and Obama will talk. There is a precedent for this between Raul Castro and Barack Obama when they held a telephone conversation in which the first took advantage of the occasion to say”…with the regulations announced in September 18 of the Departments of the Treasury and Commerce that complement the enforcement of January 16 when President Raul Castro emphasized the need to move in depth to definitely eliminate the policy of the blockade in benefit to benefit both peoples” (Granma, Saturday September 19,2015, pg1) 

Together with this fair demand of Cuba, it is possible to expect that His Holiness the Pope, who does not accept “half truths” and will also call on Obama to lift the blockade that is still in force against Cuba.

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Cuba USA
