A balance of desires and hopes of continuing (USA-CUBA); the first anniversary of December 17th
Cuba USA

A balance of desires and hopes of continuing (USA-CUBA); the first anniversary of December 17th

by Esteban Morales
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

We have completed the first year of a historic initiative, promoted by both governments. it seems a dream to have achieved it. It is an event that many have enjoyed although there are some who are concerned,
mostly those who have lived in the “belly of the beast”.

After more than fifty years of tense, aggressive and dangerous relations between Cuba and the United States Obama presented his initiative of what we could call the fall of the old policy and begin a road that could be new relations between both countries. President Raul Castro agreed he had no other thing to do, after 18 months of negotiations that preliminary agreements had been achieved. It was not Cuba who had to remove the shroud of the more than 50 years of aggressive policy of the United States.

Compared to where we were a short time ago, we have advanced enough. The United States has recognized Cuba as an examiner; respect its sovereignty and independence that will not have been registered in the history of our relations.

Both countries have sat down at the table of negotiations without conditions to prevent this step; those who were frustrated by the negotiations being developed during the administration of James

Obama varied intelligently the critical route proposing first having relations and sit down to negotiate later.
I think, however, that conditions continue to exist although they do not function as an immediate obstacle for both countries to take the road of rapprochement. Undoubtedly the negotiations advance.

Although they still move along the branches rather than the trunk. But one must not despair to reach the essence of the problems we have confronted for more than 200 years. There is still lacking much time.

However it can be said that if diplomatic relations exist between both countries. Obama tried to hurry them to take the decision to the Panama Summit but they were established at the rhythm Cuba demanded.
First they had to eliminate Cuba from the List that promoted terrorism. We have rather normal relations; we have new embassies in Havana and Washington. It is possible to say for two countries that have for a long time did not believe possible and approximation. It is quite a lot since before there was only aggression, lack of confidence, fear and even danger of “dealing blows”. I think there is much to feel optimistic. And even relatively calm.

This simple fact has served to generate a certain political environment that, in spite of the difficulties and obstacles that still exist, we have hope and with the will demonstrated up to now, by both parts seems they can continue moving forward.

The bilateral meeting has functioned on the bases of professionalism, mutual respect and intent on finding solutions that allow advancing.
Its seems there is a political will to do it and we must not lose time.
It is not little that has been negotiated: mail, drug trafficking; commercial flights; environment; maritime security, migratory fraud, telephone and Internet; rules for the embassies, etc.

However, during the year there has been no advance in issues that are of key important for Cuba: the blockade, the naval base, media aggression and compensation for damages.
Regarding the first point, it cannot even be said that the measures taken by Obama and January and September this year have served to alleviate the situation of Cuba against the blockade while he waits
for Congress to lift it, But Obama has sufficient presidential prerogatives to do it. Nonetheless, he is asking Congress to life the Blockade and now he claims that although he can leave the blockade an empty shell he refrains from doing so that does not cause a good impression.

Also Obama does not lift the prohibition of using the dollar nor does he soften the unique rules of commerce that continues to be reduced.
He does not prohibit the US citizen to do tourism in Cuba. He does not free US capital to invest in Cuba while he tries to empower the medium and small investors. He sets up such complicated measures to help
commerce with the incipient private sector. All these measures should contribute to a real advance of the Cuban economy if the fundamental challenge of the Island is to move forward in its new economic model.

However Obama frees the mail service, aids growth of remittances, frees commercial flights, increases contents of packages, extends visa categories for US citizens to travel to Cuba, increases funds for the
dissidence also tending to deal in other aspects such as the environment, drug trafficking maritime security, already mentioned above.

In other words if we notice what Obama aids and does not aid it is not difficult to understand that he vehemently supports all measures that showered on him favorably in Cuban civil society while negatively
applying strong pressure against all aspects that helps the Cuban political leadership to advance in its plans of strengthening the state economy and settle forms for the new economic model as it has done with the brutal fines imposed on international banking.

That is why, in spite of having advanced in the year, that is undeniable and undoubtedly that his political strategy continues to be the same designed in 2009: use the blockade as an instrument of
pressure, dividing it in two: treat the civil society with a carrot and with a club the Cuban governmet

This is sufficient reason for my suspicion since then I continue to have a basis to maintain this mistrust that has been trying to answer some questions: why is the spade of Damocles hanging over the possibility of Obama to continue pressuring international banking against Cuba? Why does continue to ignore his presidential faculties that allow alleviate Cuba from the effects of the blockade? Why doesn’t Obama free US investors because Obama does not free the use of the dollar? More recently, why does Obama control his visit to Cuba under the condition of meeting with the dissidents? Why does Obama continue pressuring Cuba with negative propaganda, money for the dissidents and pressure against the Cuban political system?

Who does Obama think he is considering that Cuba should make concessions for his visit to Cuba to play politics with those who want a change of regime? I really I think it is more important for Obama tovisit Cuba than for Cuba to have a visit of Obama.

Undoubtedly, his evaluation of the past year adding declarations of the State Department and conditions to travel to Cuba that Obama stubbornly sticks to the idea that the political regime in Cuba should give the president signs of changes to feel satisfied and pay the honor of his visit.

That is why we believe that the balanced speech by President Raul Castro commemorating 17D in which he recognized to Obama what we have achieved but at the same he says “during this year there has been no
advance in the solution to subjects that for Cuba are essential for
normal relations with the United States”.

And we continue to wait.In other words, in spite of what Obama can say we are from having entered a process of normalization of relations between both countries.

Cuba is not fooled nor it listens to the “siren songs” of theUnited States while there is no solution over the key issues that Cuba has stated, normal relations will be impossible between both countries although Obama makes efforts to adorn and over dimension what has been achieved.

I believe that the United States, its sectors of power particularly have not overcome still the image of considering us “silly children” who we can deceive with subterfuges and sophisticated speeches.

The experiences of the end of the 19th century are more than enough to have learned what it costs to believe in speeches, resolutions and projects to liberate us. We Cuban have mature enough to avoid grabbing
the stick by the “hooks”,

Obama cannot make us believe what he does. It is a long time that we don’t believe. Cuba has escaped the nets of the United States with a revolution that cost many lives and is not going to be deceived us again.

If Obama wants new relations with Cuba it will have to do it according to our convenience and not at the convenience of the United States can things be done according to their convenience. We have had enough.

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