Counterrevolution and dissidents in Cuba: More of the same
Cuba USA

Counterrevolution and dissidents in Cuba: More of the same

By EstebanMorales
source La Pupila Insomne
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Undoubtedly what happened on December 17 when Obama declared the possibility of a change of policy towards Cuba has left an unsavory situation for internal counterrevolutionary dissidents. Another functional piece of the aggressive policy of the United States against Cuba.

As we have said before, the Cuban counterrevolution does not exist and never did. The policy of the United States killed it in the cradle. It did not let it be born.
The counterrevolution, as a political dissidence, can be legitimate. It can oppose the revolution, defend the interests of the social sector it confronts. In other words, it defends the interests of the
opposition class that has lost power and wants to recover it. They do it with a program, a political discourse, leaders and masses.
Unfortunately for the counterrevolutionary dissidence, calling itself Cuban does not have anything at all. The United States policy, by using the salaried counterrevolutionaries stripped it of legitimacy
since the very beginning, becoming mercenaries at the service of a foreign power. That is why they have never been successful in their effort to grab political forces from the hands of revolutionary forces in Cuba.

The laments of the counterrevolutionary dissidents increases, and today are the sector that most opposes the agenda of President Obama with Cuba.

Obama makes enormous efforts to convince these elements that they are wrong; that they must renounce the old forms of making politics against Cuba. That tactics must be redesigned, keeping the same strategy; that political changes he is proposing does not deny the objectives of the United States that have always existed against Cuba.
But the old counterrevolutionary dissidents insist. Living a long time on counterrevolutionary activities they do not want to abandon since it is a lucrative business and they want it continued. They are not aware that the political context begins to change and they should adapt. But their attitudes clearly demonstrate they are not willing to modify any of the activities they have been doing to date.

That is why the Obama administration will no longer count on them. Search for new actors that allow them to fulfill their objectives of internally subverting Cuba but with different tactics. Since those who have tried to play this role are now tired.

They lack prestige, have no power to call upon people and only think of the money they receive for which they have often arguments. They have no function within the situation of a United States that intends to achieve its objectives without affecting a change toward what could be considered a process of “normalization” of relations between both countries.

The absence of the uninvited dissidents to the official ceremony of opening the United States embassy is a clear and evident sign that the Obama administration does not want to affect the existing status quo. This is also a remote expression.

In my opinion although the United State will continue to support these organizations and their petty leaders, in different manners and has the funds allocated to be used to sustain this policy, it will measure this support in such a way that it does not damage the current process of “normalization”. Since the strategic focus of the US administration, intends to search for allies and social bases of
support in the emergent sectors of Cuban society: business persons, professionals, artists, journalists, cooperative workers, intellectuals young people, religious groups (that does not exclude officials of the government, of the Party and mass organizations; even the armed forces and Security); to entice leaders in those sectors with more credibility, social and political capacity and even other motivations that are not only direct payment of a stipend in dollars and the visa solutions to emigrate that up to now have been the two reasons to recruit the wasted and discredited “camajanes” (smart ass leaders) of the mercenary dissidents. The Obama administration will also apply, in its manner, “the change of mentality” of its diplomatic and operative strategy to relate to the Cuban society.

Therefore the counterrevolutionary dissidents will have to change to gain space in the new policy. Or these persons change or they will be displaced who, understanding a new US strategy, join opportunely to the fulfillment of their purposes.

Then, under the new context and methods of the policy towards Cuba this last dissidence must strongly adapt to the new tactics of the the administration must follow during a long and complex road to achieve normalization of relations.

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