The visit of Obama and Raúl, the statesman
Cuba USA

The visit of Obama and Raúl, the statesman

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
Cuba -Network in Defense of Humanity

The more I think about the visit to Cuba of Obama, the more I am convinced of the enormous victory it represents to the Cuban people.

Only with its decades of old heroic and victorious support and wisdom of its leaders, led by Fidel and international solidarity forced the Establishment to be convinced that the policy it was following against the Island for more than five decades paved the way for Obama to rectify his prior position as a senator. He understood that the blockade did not work although “its objectives remain the same”.
This turn of events, supported by the ascendency of China and Russia as first order players, together with the important change in Latin America and the Caribbean in which the peoples unleashed a series of anti neo liberal battles placed Hugo Chávez, Néstor and Cristina Kirchner, Lula da Silva, Evo Morales, Rafael Correa and Pepe Mujica in power.

These Latin American and Caribbean leaders unanimously demanded lifting the blockade and a correction of the policy towards Cuba forcing Havana to be invited to the Summit of the Americas in Panama.

The efficient Cuban diplomacy wisely led by President Raúl Castro, found in the White House a receptive and audacious Obama seeking to assure his legacy.

For generations we have formed our measure under the insuperable leadership of Fidel; now despite being in the background we have learned to appreciate the stature of Raúl in several moments that include the CELAC Summit in Havana, the Summit of the Americas in Panama, the victory in the 70th Session of the UN General Assembly and a leadership that led to the recently concluded visit of Obama.

More astounding was the fact that the United States president had to walk  alone to deliver his speech in the Alicia Alonso Grand Theater of Havana to transmit, live, on Cuban radio and television, a speech that disappointed large sectors of the audience.

This had a twofold explanation as expressed by many Cubans. One, was his recommendation for Cuba to adopt a multiparty democracy, a “free” market economy and “empowering” schemes that the people are well aware
of since 1959 of the tragic political and social consequences that have harassed our sister nations, a harassment that includes endemic structural violence. Another, much more delicate, was not apologizing for the hostile and aggressive policy of the United States against the Island and the corresponding price of pain and bloodshed that
continues in force, tacitly acknowledged by Obama when he said the “embargo was a heavy weight on the Cuban people”.

It is very clear that from now on, in Cuba the battle of ideas is more important.

Facing the teleprompter, the previously planned jests, laugher, phrases prepared and gestures of the White House inhabitant during his stay in Cuba, more convincing was the conduct of his Cuban counterpart standing in dignity, decency and adequate forms of Cuban revolutionary tradition. Aside from courtesy Raúl did not lose the opportunity, in a joint press conference to underline his concern over the destabilizing plans against Venezuela and the serious consequences this could have for the hemisphere.

Obama intended, with his visit, to strengthen his policy towards Cuba, emphasizing his international agenda with the bases that allow irreversibility before leaving his post.

Direct flights from air lines of both countries, the imminent present of US hotel companies, cruisers and a line of ferries linking the two move in that direction. But today, many US citizens travelling to the Island require authorization for tourism, much less lifting the blockade and, in force, the immoral Law of Cuban Adjustment and
several subversive plans against Cuba. This scenario could continue to be modified if, from now until November, Obama uses his executive faculties to obtain it with new and effective measures.

It will not be today in which attention is concentrated on the warm support of repressive and neo liberalism of Macri, precisely on the 40th anniversary of the military coup blessed by the United States in Argentina.

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Cuba USA
