New taboo subjects in Latin American geopolitics
Cuba USA

New taboo subjects in Latin American geopolitics

by Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez
source Rebelión/Universidad de la Filosofía
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Huymanity 

It has cost, even coups and destabilizing eruptions the mere idea of calling for a debate and re designing of the constitutional bodies of some countries. Especially those States in with the Constitutional Policies have been deformed to kneel before the whims of neo liberalism. It is simply not touched.

And it is that the new (old) catalog of “taboo subjects” that neo liberalism has made hysterical with reactionary suffocation and fainting spells has, in its most sensitive nerves the problem of “private property”; the exploitation of large land holdings; the plunder of natural resources; the insane exploitation of the working class; the repressive privileges of the three delirious powers and systematic negation of new forms of power risen from social will and socialist exercises of the new human and social rights; to mention just the obvious.
But the bourgeois are annoyed that the people question and debate their constitutionalism. The bourgeois are annoyed that the peoples are capable of identifying the ideological poisons and their trash concepts that are spread to traffic in a “false conscience” under the “sacred” laws the oligarchs impose.

For the bourgeois they are “technicalities” reserved for the experts and the people are there only to be grateful for a few philanthropic left overs invented by the legal advisors who pass as “Justice” what
in truth is a charade to legalize all the thefts, plunders and injustices of capitalism. There are no extenuating situations. For bourgeois logic the idea of “sanction” is none other than imposing a hypocritical moral thought toto bring us to our knees, resigned to the everlasting ”authority”, hypocritical and omnipresent. They will not
silence us with ridiculous toxic paragraphs of an inherent crushing transit of the reign of tons of “theoretical” papers that are as infernal as useless and false when looking nakedly at the real state of social justice.

The supreme logic of a Constitutional Policy should be subordinated as a tool for Social Justice and at the service of development without bosses, of harmonious coexistence and unconditional equality of the persons; of a definite objective of happiness, strong and with permanent advances. Is that possible in a society divided in classes?
The Constitutional policy of Social Justice should guarantee that no one acquire a job standing on the shoulders of others to exploit them, sack them or humiliate them. It should guarantee all the means; to be
respected and practice the democratic will of the peoples. Line by line; regulation by regulation; code by code; law by law. This implies removing the bourgeois from the “superstructure” power immediately.

A new kind of justice should be a tool to defend the peoples against the abuse of power, of all forms of concentrating power of capital to enslave the peoples.

This alone implies a typification of new (old) criminal models, for example the crime implicit in attacking the sovereign power of the peoples, the crime implicit in hindering the democratic will of the people; the implicit crime of using violence to submit the peoples to the interests of a sect, mafia or rival gangs. Local or global.

Even the idea of a “monopoly” of weapons – and violence – that the Bourgeois States self proclaims is a crime if there is the belief that there shouldn’t be an army, a police force or any other formula of “security” that will not depend on the will of interest and popular sovereignty. Any superimposed initiative under similar conditions is an usurpation contrary to the logic of equal social relations.

Ultimately it is the situation of socialist democratization of the tools of production; the lever of growth and collective well being guaranteeing the justice of work, quality and quantity of the work life and extensively, the protection of the source of work to free it from its alienating character under capitalism; as Marx explained.

Without the web of class interests, underlying in the ideological body of the majority of bourgeois laws and regulations, the idea of “justice” financed by capitalism is no more than a demagogic, bureaucratic, deceitful and corrupt circus, parent of the many worse injustices perpetrated against humanity.

To speak of justice is not a subject exclusive for judges, lawyers or “experts”. It is a subject for the entire people and its social revolution specifically. To speak of “justice” is part of the battle.

It is irrefutably true that what the peoples demand is better and transparent but not the “justice” of the bosses; they do not want the “justice” of the large land holders; or of the banks, or business executives, or priests who, for example, have set up their usurious “rights” as a universal principle of privileges to robe the poor and make them, for example, victims of capitalism, of being “criminal”.
These aberrations must be considered a crime. Behind the backs of the people, the imperialist oligarchs share the booty of exploiting the peoples, the workers and natural resources. Bankers, business people, large land owners and the church with quite a few servile governments, move merciless sums of delinquent “profits” while sinking into poverty, neglect, unemployment and desperation entire peoples. This is a crime. The number of unemployed worldwide is, today, monstrous; hunger is a galloping threat; ignorance devastates whole generations that are an incalculable universal crime against humanity. That is a crime “What “ justice” responds?

Only with socialist justice can the people seek full salvation. All the rest, now, is words and deceit. It is not enough with good will philanthropies.

During slavery, that slavery was not considered a crime does not imply meekly accepting a bourgeois campaign that excused all outrages against the human being. That capitalism does not consider exploitation as a crime, punishable actions that does not imply we must then hail it like a triumph neither of bourgeois legality nor as an example of legal “moral strength”. We cannot be so naïve to continue confusing justice with the institutions supposed to safeguard it and activator of those; while under capitalism it only degrades them to confusion and delay.

We must combat all these institutions and conditions in which the human being lives in misery, exploited, oppressed, alienated …mutilated in the incapacity to develop his current and future qualities. We should not permit that one aristocracy substitutes another with revolutionary disguises invented. The problem of Justice
is not a “moral” problem; quite the contrary, it is a material and concrete problem linked to the distribution of physical and intellectual wealth, of objective conditions of equality and access to its own tools in the dialectics of development, indissolubly individual and collective.

It does not matter how naïve the “logical” mishaps or procedures invented by the bourgeois shysters to make us believe that Justice is a utopia already reached with capitalist “Rights”. The reality is crushing, degrading, offensive and defiant. Among other things because “Law” in the hands of the bourgeois has been incapable of doing Justice; its monstrous backlog; the millions of files stocked in the offices of the judges … and the millions of innocents in jails and humiliated (for just a partial example) are proof of its defeat.
Justice is unthinkable today without radically touching capital or profits, without through a capital-work debate.

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Cuba USA
