Mexico a failed state?
Cuba USA

Mexico a failed state?

by Fernando Buen Abad Domínguez
source Rebelión/Universidad de la Filosofía
Translation by The Network in Defense of Humanity

“There is no power in the world capable of resisting the working class once it has mobilized to transform society”.

Ted Grant

Although it sounds like a euphemism, the stamp of “Failed State” that qualifies the performance of the bourgeois State and Government of Mexico has a provisional value we can call upon to remember failures,
betrayals of the State that, by definition, succumbed to colonial onslaughts of the Yankee Empire. It has been incapable of fulfilling its own lies. Sovereignty has been murdered. Memory should serve:
there is no hope that a bourgeois State just has one future that Marx defined a long time ago. Also we should not be confident that a State of business managers imposed through fraud, to hand over natural resources, give over hand labor, to repress the working class and to sink the country into a mire of alienation and everlasting humiliation.

It should have been expected since its origin. It is the bourgeois State of Mexico that is “Failed” because it is incapable of guaranteeing the defense of its territory and of its natural resources. It is “Failed” because it is incapable of guaranteeing democracy. It is “Failed” because it is incapable of guaranteeing the independent exercise of justice. It is “Failed” because it is incapable of stopping “Organized Crime” and its metastases in all the social and cultural structures of the country. It is “Failed” because it is incapable of having a leading role on issues of communication democracy. It is “Failed because it is incapable of guaranteeing the right to education, the right to work, the right to health, the right to food…It is “Failed” for all these reasons and because it also professes, from the cradle, a submissive and despicable moral that adores the Yankee Empire that it serves more shamefully imaginable.
This character “Failed” is not the result of a future calamity or bad luck. This “Failed” character is a specific plan designed to attack the working class and kidnap the Mexican economy with all its wealth, that is huge, and more than enough to insure Mexicans a long lasting good life.
This character of “Failed” is a decision; it is a plan that does not arise through the fault of ignorant or inefficient officials; quite the contrary. They are trained officials who receive good marks in betrayal, in exploitation of work and in plundering the country. And they are efficient slaves when an order has to be issued (the many forms of authoritarian orders) to repress, kill or disappear all those who are an obstacle to their neo liberal plan. That is why they assassinated and disappeared the students of Ayotzinapa.
It is a “Failed State” that is not the victim of corruption but its main responsibilty because it extends business corruption throughout the country and makes it invisible disguising it as a “structural problem”, like a “cultural problem of all the Mexicans” or folklore of cynicism that becomes part of the scenario of the power of money that above the law. It is the gold rule silently tattooed in the soul of bureaucratic officials that gives the image of being “politicians” anointed by a form of their own fraudulence or that of its bosses.
The expression ‘Failed State” does not ignore the deeper significance assigned to its “leader” slaves in charge of protecting “private property” that plunders the peoples on behalf of the ruling class.
They are, with their taxing apparatus assigning infractions, monopolizing the tools of political and military tools…they are the ones who invented the modern concept of State and its “supreme” functions that are nothing but a means to maintain the ostentatious life of the bourgeois and avoid (watch and punish) to prevent the proletariat from interrupting the party.
So the bourgeois “Failed State” in Mexico today is twice “Failed”. At least. On the one hand it has failed its bosses and is incapable of keeping the insurrectional proletariat in line that has raised its
conscience and believes in transforming the world and, on the other hand, it has failed its own ideological cunning arguments that give “reason of existing” (bourgeois) for itself and for the plans of the sectarian reformist bureaucracies. It is not “Failed” for the people simply because it does not represent it, because it is also an enemy, regardless if they invent all sorts of deceptions to live in the”thin line, transformers and ambiguous of the demagogy of the hangman.
This bourgeois State must be taken by the workers to be integrally transformed and without delay. With strength and the wit of the working class to make the State a simplified tool to systematically
transform the accelerated tool of its own dissolution. Sooner. Lenin explained it with extraordinary precision. Marx and Engels saw it clearly and it is striking the poor critical work dedicated to understanding the role of the bourgeois State as well as the tasks of the workers to dilute all confidence, all demagoguery and all
illusions, whether creative or not, that are propaganda campaigns and bourgeois electoral paraphernalia that has always betrayed the peoples.
Mexico has an extraordinary opportunity to look at the naked face of a “Failed State” that today, topping it off, assassinates students, disappears them and only manages to invent guilt “pacts” to assure the long lasting Mafia agreements with more militarization, espionage and harassment against the working people. Mexico has a magnificent opportunity for organized mobilization, to join forces in the only force that can save us that is the working class. It is daily more aware of its political independence and its transforming tasks from
beginning to end, in a country that no longer endures the PRIANRD-TELEVISA mafias that took over power and today are the protagonists of this “Failed State” that, if we want to survive, we must extinguish it and soon.

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