Guatemala: popular victory! Or popular victory?
Cuba USA

Guatemala: popular victory! Or popular victory?

by Marcelo Colussi
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

To remove a president accused of corruption does not change the history of the country (it happened with Menem in Argentina, with Collor de Mello in Brazil, and with Fujimori in Peru). The historical
importance of what is happening today in Guatemala opens up a new kind of hope: it lets us see that “the story has not ended”; that the ordinary people can take to the streets to protest and that has its consequences. Undoubtedly, tomorrow things may stay the same, more so with rigged and perverse election that are on them, largely financed by organized crime. But a window of up opened up. This is what is truly important!

The Congress of the Republic voted unanimously to remove the condition of immunity of president Otto Fernando Pérez Molina. Now, like any common citizen he can be tried for alleged crimes he is accused of.
What does that represent for the people? At least, the profit, perhaps minimal at first, but with great potential.

It doesn´t mean that the structure of the country will change. If the current president is not found guilty the crimes he is accused of, linked corruption with stolen public funds (the subject of his participation in the dirty war as murderer of civilian population is not covered) he could end up jailed as a common prisoner like his former vice president, Roxana Baldetti. That does not modify the history of the Guatemalan society but represents a very important political and cultural change.
Two interpretations of the facts could be made; they are not exclusive. On the one hand it is like a play of the right wing led by Washington. As so often happens in Latin America, the general situation cannot be understood without the logic of a geostrategy of US capital headed by the Executive Power that for more than a century considered it its back yard. This time the imperial powers try to set up a so called “Alliance for Prosperity” in the Northern Triangle of Central America (Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador) that guarantees political “governance” and tranquility for foreign investments, for a “business climate”. The region as is widely known, is the most unequal in the world with high rates of violence and organized crime that has taken control of the structures of government; in Guatemala, in fact, organized crime has been governing for the past years with Pérez Molina a captain of these mafias linked to “dirty business” such as contraband, drug activity, traffic of persons, etc. On the other hand, to understand the logic of the game, business has managed the country like a large farm, presenting the second fiscal charge lowest in the continent, after Haiti. Impunity reigns freely.

The situation creates too much pressure in the pot that could explode. For the strategy of the empire this is inadmissible in its Southern Border therefore the need to get rid of the mafias. According to
reserved information from the United States Embassy in Guatemala that circulated last year, scripts were prepared in which the mandate of current president was terminated and now the vice president jailed they would be extradited to the United States accused of drug laundering. Everything indicates that this could happen rather soon.
The right wing business sector of the country (bonded in the CACIF), minor partner of the Embassy – both economically and politically – jumps on the wagon to wage war against the mafia and now allows lifting the flag against corruption.

As things stand, the large popular demonstrations against the corrupt political class that have been occurring these past few months – genuine, spontaneous – took this situation to the possible jailing of
the main operator of the Mafia: the President of the Republic. What comes after this?

In a few days, Sunday the 6th of September there will be general elections. With a left wing practically invisible electorally, everything indicates that it will “be more of the same”. The party
offers do not convince anyone that sees it as the corrupt always. For this reason a high degree abstentions or perhaps a null vote. The population, both urban and rural has no belief in the political
system. The “democracy” in the country has not changed one iota in the past 30 years; there is still chronic poverty and exclusion of large masses. Nor will there be any change with and independent
candidate that wins the elections.

In this manner, the possible trial and sentence of Pérez Molina will not bring any structural change. Even the business sector can end up strengthened with his sentence wanting to present itself as champion against corruption. By the way with the tax fraud that made the fall of the president and his vice, no business person is implicated.

But here is the other reading we can make of all this: probably the White House has prepared a script that has been followed religiously in which the CICIG (International Commission against Impunity in
Guatemala) is the operator. But that does not invalidate the popular demonstrations that were triggered. Probably what was sought was the Arab Spring or “the democratic revolution of colors” in Eastern Europe, a peaceful civic demonstration that would get rid of a symbol such as Roxana Baldetti. The reality, however, went farther. It left the script.

Popular sectors that for years have kept quiet, muzzled, scared for what was lived in the past war, began to protest. People took to the streets. Even the rural areas began to mobilize. A conscience was born of popular solidarity, anti government, rebel, cleanly irreverent. Sectors of young people began to raise their voices.

To remove a president accused of corruption doesn't change the history of the country (it happened in Argentina with Menem, with Collor de Mello in Brazil, with Fujimori in Peru) The historical significance of what is occurring now in Guatemala is a ray of hope: reveals that “the history has not ended”; that the common people can take to the streets and protest and that has consequences. Undoubtedly tomorrow things will be the same more so with the rigged and perverse elections financed by organized crime that are upon them. But a window of hope was opened. This is truly important!

For the popular camp. For those of us who continue to think that there are many things yet to transform, who thing that another world is possible the mobilization of the large masses encourages us. The removal of the president accused of corruption is just an incident.
What it means is that it can light other fires.

This history is not yet written. It is us, the common folk who forge it.

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