Evo Morales, an exceptional leader
Cuba USA

Evo Morales, an exceptional leader

by Ángel Guerra Cabrera
translation Cuba - Network in Defense of Humanity

Evo Morales arrived at the presidency of Bolivia ten years ago. Few countries in the world have achieved in such a short time important economic, social, cultural and political changes since January 22 of 2006.

It was not merely an electoral event that produced such colossal achievement. The electoral victory was the result of battles of the original peoples of the Andean Altiplano since the legendary rebellions of Tupak Katari and Tupac Amaro and the decisive incorporation of indigenous masses in the Bolivarian armies who with the San Martianos liberated South America.The bravery and conviction of chola Juana Azurduy ascended by Bolivar to Lieutenant Colonel. The natives removed from their ancestral lands by the party bosses to be mercilessly exploited in the large land holdings and the mines.

The tin workers and battles against the capital and imperialist domination robbed of their revolution of 1952. More recently the guerrilla of Che, in the wars for water and gas and defense of the coca farmers over their lands and tradition raised Evo Morales to be elected deputy in a Congress that expelled him immediately and his irrepressible election of president in 2009 against a staunch opposition as the local elites and Washington watch horrified how the revolutionary social movements rise to power.

Led by Evo through a deep constituent democratic process Bolivia stopped being an oligarchic State at the service of the United States, racist, excluding the majority population and culture of the Indigenous people only comparable to Haiti become a booming pluri national, sovereign and independent state. The new constitution
written by all the original and intercultural peoples that form it and approved in a national referendum staunchly anti neo liberal by proclaiming the ruling role of the State into a model of social economic communitarian state that controls natural resources for the collective welfare of the Bolivians.

The nationalization of the hydrocarbons and redistribution of its profit allowed Bolivia to reduce poverty 25 percent and extreme poverty 50 percent as well as the minimum salary that rose 87,7 percent. All this in 2006 when Evo assumed the presidency. A health budget that, in 2005 was 195 million dollars rose in 2010 to 600 million and there was an important reduction of infant and maternal mortality. Until that date Cuban doctors had offered their services free of charge in 58 million consultations, 33 thousand births and 134 surgeries, excepting eye interventions. Operation Milagro restored sight to 650 thousand patients a figure that Bolivian doctors have continued after graduating from the Cuban Latin American School of Medicine.

The governments of Evo have alphabetized the majority of the illiterate population both in Spanish as in the original languages and basic universal schooling. The country marches towards industrialization with the hydrocarbons in which the public investments is the highest in South America and has been very important. The economy grows yearly 5,1 percent at the vanguard of the region. Internal demand has almost doubled and is, through the exports, the main force of growth of the economy.

In these ten years there have been 192 932 new companies crfeated and inflation is the second lowest in South America, Taxation has quadrupled and supplies much more than before because misappropriation and corruption has been battled constantly. It occupied the next to the last place in inequality in the region and now is fourth.

None of this could have been achieved without a leadership, charisma and exemplary dedication to work, political wisdom and cohesion Evo Morales has achieved. There are no revolutions or processes of social change without an exceptional and unrepeatable leader, true births in history whose substitution would require many years of cultural and political accumulation to form teams in which there may be leaders but not of his stature. With the international economic and political gale winds forecast, the proposal of the social movements of the Bolivian population very intelligently proposes Evo for the next presidency.

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