Don’t be fooled. By Luis R. Vera Vargas
Cuba USA

Don’t be fooled. By Luis R. Vera Vargas

In life one must always know how to distinguish the fog and the lights (Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986). Vicky Peláez.

The violence that was unleashed in Venezuela on the Day of Youth promoted by the opposition since last February, aiming for a coup d’états has a long history that is worthwhile reviewing it and thereby understand what is happening in the Bolivarian Republic.

As in other similar situations occurring in different parts of the world, it all began with a simple gesture by the intent of becoming “the master of the universe”, United States President Barrack Obama by his refusal of recognizing the election of 2013 of Nicolás Maduro as president of Venezuela. It was a clear sign for the opposition that the time had come to put into practice his project of destruction of the Bolivarian revolution and a drastic change of regime. The first to understand the move by Obama was speculative capital that intensified its financial and political pressure on Caracas. Meanwhile oligarchs, national corporations and transnational organizations that had already been involved for more than a year in covert sabotage, provoking a scarcity of primary products, tightening the situation to produce dissatisfaction and popular protests. At the same time the globalized press with all the media at its disposal strengthened its media war to discredit the Bolivarian government. So much so that even the mediocre electoral programs in Peru, for example, broke out against the Venezuelan government. The communication media of Venezuela in which more than 80% are in private hands launched a plan of misinformation filling their information spaces with accusations of government scandals, of corruption, abuses of power and human rights by state institutions. Soon after, their supporters in the world repeated those absurd lies without even giving a minimum of space to the other side.

In 1973 Salvador Allende warned the Chileans and all Latin Americans that “the right wing does not shrink from using fascist practices”. And that is what happened in Venezuela when three leaders of the extreme right of opposition, of the Mesa de la Unidad
Democrática (MUD): former presidential candidate, Leopoldo López; the mayor of Caracas, Antonio Ledesma, and deputy María Corina Machado in the company of former ambassador in Colombia, Fernando Gervasi and retired vice admiral Mario Iván Carratú received the blessing of Washington and launched a campaign of vandalism and assassinations in the country. Last February 12 they organized an attack against the Cuban baseball delegation in the Island of Margarita. Later they attacked the house of the governor of Tachira, José Gregorio Velma Mora.

Later, violence with the slogan “leave” was launched by the leader of this violent protest, Leopoldo López, spread practically across the country. Apparently the protagonists of violence are students of the private university helped by Colombian delinquents and para militaries. Money is abundant since year after year Washington is financing the opposition as it has been doing in countries where the governments dare to oppose U.S. directions. It is no secret and of public knowledge that this year they set aside five million dollars for the Venezuelan opposition from the U.S. federal budget and it has been calculated that during these 15 years of Bolivian government Washington spent more than 200 million dollars to end what Hugo Chávez began.

What is happening today in Venezuela is a coup d’états in development. The alleged “peaceful demonstrators” with hoods, bandanas, sticks, stones, Molotov cocktails and fire arms have been producing destruction in their wake intending for a direct confrontation with the National Guard and screaming… “He is going to fall, he is going to fall, this government will fall”.

When I sat down to write this article 10 days of disruption have past with the tragic result of eight dead and about 100 wounded, 37 members of the security forces. Of course, the globalized press, following instructions from Washington attributed the violence only to the government of Maduro calling him a dictator, corrupt and assassin. They went so far as publishing photographs of Russian police in winter clothes with their classical caps arresting a delinquent and entitled the photograph Brutality of the Venezuelan Police as if Russia is Venezuela. Suffice it to click onto the Global Research publication that denounced the information fraud showing dozens of these trick photographs.

This kind of nauseating information is nothing new. In 1845 Karl Marx described it the thesis on Feuerbach. It deals with modifying the conduct of persons through persuasion. And one of the principle means to exert influence on the people is obtained with lies. Lies as a weapon”. The force of the globalizers is nourished and renewed every day on misinformation, programmed and controlled; apparently they have an army of newsmen whose pay depends on the degree of influence of the lie spread on society. Russian writer Nadezhda Teffi wrote at the beginning of last century a story entitled “The race of Scipio Africanus” where she described how the journalist Scipio helped out the editor of newspaper inventing news, proverbs and refuting the proverbs. Now, the world of the globalized press is full of Scipios who no longer invent news using fantasies and imagination, instead they print what their corporate masters want.

However, each programmed newsbyte requires a protagonist capable of setting it in motion. For this are the intelligence services that select the persons with leadership qualities who can give life and flavor to the news-lies. Appearing on the scene is Leopoldo López Mendoza and his party, Voluntad Popular, openly of fascist tendency. Son of a wealthy family openly adoring North America, Leopold was sent at 18 years of age to the exclusive Kenyon College in Ohio famous for its ties with the CIA selecting their possible candidates for the “company”. Canadian journalist, Jean-Guy Allard wrote in detail of Leopoldo López and this practice of the CIA affirming that Kenyon College is number two in the “company”

The second step for those “selected” is the Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University where Leopoldo López achieved a Masters in Public Policies. Returning to Venezuela he began to work in the state owned PDVSA as economic advisor. Then an organization with strong ties to the CIA, the International Republic Institute (IRI- the republican think-tank) focused on Leopoldo López and became his sponsor and financier. During the coup of April 11 2002 this Harvard graduate led a march of opposition to Miraflores Palace and was one of the 400 signers of the so called Decree of Carmona who dissolved the government of Hugo Chávez and gave power to Pedro Carmona. The details of that coup d’états in which Cuban terrorists participated are described in the book by Pedro Carmona, “My testimony before History”.

In the following years from the post of the mayor of Chacao (2000-2008) he intensified his work to do everything to put an end to Chavism, using provocations, lies, organizes social “networks of resistance and finally forming his own party, Voluntad Popular. In 2008 he was barred by the Comptroller from holding public office in the country but the Inter American Court of Human Rights revoked that decision in 2011 and since then López with renewed force took up the fight against the Bolivarian government.

The current violence unleashed in Venezuela is the result of a project to take power organized by Leopoldo López. Several days ago after a Caracas court issued an order of capture, López turned himself in to the authorities in a publicity stunt to project his image as a hero and martyr at the same time. He did not stop calling from his jail cell on his party members to intensify the fight against the government of Maduro.

Washington did not wait long to condemn by Barrack Obama and his Secretary of State, John Kerry, the violence allegedly unleashed by the government of Maduro. John Kerry declared that “the use of force by the government and legal intimidation against persons who are exercising their legitimate right to protest is unacceptable and only conditions an increased probability of more violence”. Republican senator for Arizona, John McCain even called for beginning a military intervention claiming that “they must be prepared with a military force to enter and give peace to Venezuela and, above all, to guarantee and protect the flow of oil to the United States, taking care of the strategic resources and watching over our general interests”. That is the truth behind these maneuvers and lies of Washington and the corporate global press.

What is occurring in Venezuela is not an isolated case but something of the same that is happening in the Ukraine and Thailand now. It could be said that it is almost a tracing from a manual on coup made in the USA. It is using the same tactics of provoking a chaotic situation that promotes a fascist coup. The globalized media and the politicized Human Rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch or Human Rights Foundation accuse the governments of violence and demand dialogues with the real authors of fascist vandalism. That is why they use their well paid and fed troops and useful fools requires a question: What does the chess champion, Garry Kasparov know, who is a leader of Human Rights Foundation, intimately linked to the CIA and who exclaims that “Venezuela does not need an executioner (Nicolás Maduro) prepared to kill half of his country”?

We are actually facing a new geopolitical and geo-economics crusade orchestrated by the power of the transnational organizations in Syria, the Ukraine, Thailand and Venezuela to prevent any project of development independent of will and desires of the globalized power. Then all countries who dare to use the same strategy and tactics must be destroyed so that no peoples in the future dare to say No to the enlightened globalizer. In Venezuela the people and authorities must analyze how, since 2006 the alleged Ukraine Self defenders with the knowledge of the government were receiving training in NATO bases in Estonia on terrorism, fabrication and use of explosives. No one paid any attention to this or also about the visits of specialists in revolutions of color in Kiev and Lvov of the former leaders of Otpor (Serbia), Khmara (Georgia), Zubr (Bielorussia) and locals of the Ukrainian Pora. The dead and wounded are the result of this training.

It turns out that Venezuela, according to some of the cables released by WikiLeaks is one of the meetings of students with representatives of USAID in 2008, coordinated by the political scientist Carlos Ponce, and the group of students requested fund to receive training from other movements, particularly from Eastern Europe and also to hold seminars on “the promotion of democracy”.

With this no comment is required. The calls for dialogues by President Maduro are ignored both by the opposition and the leaders of the United States or the European Union.

Leopoldo López knows this perfectly well that is why he proclaims from jail: “We will continue until we finish the revolution”.

The writer and journalist, Andre Vltchek, is the author of an essay “How the West Manufactures Opposition” in which he warns that the “President of Indonesia, Sukarno, fell in 1965 as well as Chilean president Salvador Allende in 1973 because that they thought in spite of everything, in spite of the assassination of millions of people around the world organized by the West, this time after years and days of new changes of the regime would not be so brutal and not affect cities like Jakarta and Santiago de Chile. When they realized that they were mistaken it was too late to fight”.

At the end of his essay Andre Vltchek calls on the president of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro: “Mr. President, Don’t let this happen in Venezuela”.

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Cuba USA
