Dictator Cigar festival
Cuba USA

Dictator Cigar festival

Isn't that Special......A cigar festival in a country that has had a dictatorship for 54 years......and the kicker: The money raised is for Cuba's health care.....You can hear the violins quietly playing in the background.

Check out Cuba's health care !

Danny Glover is the usual dictatorship lover in attendance, but Boris Becker?

Click here for the story.

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- Dictator Cigar Festival
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Cigar Festival continued..... Isn't that special, paying thousands of dollars to attend a event hosted by a dictator. The apartheid country of Cuba will not even let Cubans at hotels, beach resorts, or any where a tourist is to be found. No outrage?...

What? I get a rambling e-mail on how upset this guy is because he could not bring his Cuban cigars into the U.S. because of the embargo. He blames me and the embargo. I e-mailed him back with a response(nice) and asked him what kind of Cuban cigars did...

Cuba USA
