Cuba USA

Cigar Festival continued.....

Isn't that special, paying thousands of dollars to attend a event hosted by a dictator. The apartheid country of Cuba will not even let Cubans at hotels, beach resorts, or any where a tourist is to be found. No outrage?
I have one special message to the cigar patrons: Blow the smoke up your....!!!!!!

- Dictator Cigar Festival
Isn't that Special......A cigar festival in a country that has had a dictatorship for 54 years......and the kicker: The money raised is for Cuba's health care.....You can hear the violins quietly playing in the background. Check out Cuba's...

- Enough Is Enough Mr. “raspy” Rangel
Just received the latest edition of Cigar Aficionado with the theme being “ Cuba Tomorrow.” As a cigar lover I enjoy looking at the different brands of cigars and sometimes the articles are interesting, but I started to feel a little sick when in...

- Dictator Cigar Festival
The annual dictator Cigar festival is in full swing again, but a big difference: No appearance from the dictator and possibly no appearance from raulita. No big Hollywood commies or dictator lovers are not expected also? No photo opportunities with the...

Cigar Festival Check out this video of Cuba's most beloved propagandist praising the cigar festival. She uses the terms "pilgramage" and "promise land" to entice you to the falshood of Cuba.What about the hunger strikes, the political prisoners,...

What? I get a rambling e-mail on how upset this guy is because he could not bring his Cuban cigars into the U.S. because of the embargo. He blames me and the embargo. I e-mailed him back with a response(nice) and asked him what kind of Cuban cigars did...

Cuba USA
