Dictator Cigar Festival
Cuba USA

Dictator Cigar Festival

The annual dictator Cigar festival is in full swing again, but a big difference: No appearance from the dictator and possibly no appearance from raulita. No big Hollywood commies or dictator lovers are not expected also? No photo opportunities with the apartheid dictator? Still the dictatorship with stolen property and land(tobacco farms) continue to hawk cigars and propaganda.

- Rumor Friday.......
We still don't know if the apartheid dictator is really dead or not. Every Friday El Cafe Cubano will dish out the latest: -The real reason the Adidas wearing dictator can not be seen in public is that he is now obsessed with wearing "I LOVE YOU...

- "chavez Denies Rumors Of Castro Death"
Mini-me chavez said that the apartheid dictator is" writing, and producing." Producing what? Where is the jello pudding mr. oil pimp? The media should just lay down and accept this because YOU said so! The apartheid dictator is already DEAD symbolically,...

- Dictator Dead?
Rumors are swirling that the dictator is dead? As you know we have heard this many times before only to be burnt. Now it seems that the dictator in waiting brother has taken over the day to day operations and making more appearances. What does this mean?...

Cigar Festival continued..... Isn't that special, paying thousands of dollars to attend a event hosted by a dictator. The apartheid country of Cuba will not even let Cubans at hotels, beach resorts, or any where a tourist is to be found. No outrage?...

Cigar Festival Check out this video of Cuba's most beloved propagandist praising the cigar festival. She uses the terms "pilgramage" and "promise land" to entice you to the falshood of Cuba.What about the hunger strikes, the political prisoners,...

Cuba USA
