Cuba USA


I get a rambling e-mail on how upset this guy is because he could not bring his Cuban cigars into the U.S. because of the embargo. He blames me and the embargo. I e-mailed him back with a response(nice) and asked him what kind of Cuban cigars did he have? Being a cigar lover just wanted to know, well he responded back and he did not know. Just like many who get upset about the cigars, but know nothing about the suffering of the Cuban people. They know nothing about all the executions, political prisoners, and lately the spies. Now this is my personal opinion and I have offered this to many cigar lovers, that the best cigars now are not made in Cuba. Most of the master cigar rollers and cigar makers are in exile. Yes, Cuba has or had the most fertile region for tobacco, but the dictator even bumbled this one. My favorite is the Gloria Cubana Series R #7. Many extraordinary exile cigar makers out there with fine cigars.
Alfredo why are you talking about cigars? While responding to this e-mail and checking out another blog, I came across the Wall Street Cafe, which has a post concerning Nebraska trading corn for Cuban cigars. What a bunch of morons!
Now back to my original point, most people don't know jack shit about cigars or Cuban cigars, or real Cuban cigars(that is what I call the exile cigars ) and most important: To this day many do not know jack shit about the situation in Cuba!!!!

- Bama Heads Towards Cuba
Another state heading towards Cuber to hawk their goods with the apartheid dictator. I have said this a thousand times, be honest people, say your interested in making money and cut the crap about how you care about the Cuban people or we want to develop...

- Dictator Dead?
Rumors are swirling that the dictator is dead? As you know we have heard this many times before only to be burnt. Now it seems that the dictator in waiting brother has taken over the day to day operations and making more appearances. What does this mean?...

The Ticker continues.... (Updated) The dictator is fuming(even though he doesn't smoke cigars anymore) concerning the ticker. The dictator was starting his speech and the ticker went off with quotes from Abraham Lincoln. The media barely mentioned...

Deal with the Dictator Governor Dave Heineman of Nebraska inks a deal(On the blood of the Cuban people!) with dictator castro for a whopping $27 million. How long after smoking your cigars from castro will you come out and speak out against the embargo?...

CBS Bias(Communist Broadcasting System) You sneaky CBS, seems like you had fun on your trip to Cuba in 2001. I can smell the bias 90 miles from the coast of Florida. Hope you had fun during the Elian interview(Rum, Women, Beaches, Cigars) never mind...

Cuba USA
