Cuba emphasizes the importance of defending the Mother Earth
Cuba USA

Cuba emphasizes the importance of defending the Mother Earth

source: Granma
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

A court was created to try environmental crimes.

Cuban Foreign Affairs minister, Bruno Rodríguez, emphasized yesterday the active role of leaders Fidel Castro and Hugo Chávez in the fight against climate change while calling on the industrialized countries
pay the ecological debt. 

“Put an end to the Philosophy of plunder and the philosophy of war would disappear. Rodríguez said quoting Fidel in his speech at the conclusion of the 2nd Summit of the Peoples on Climate Change.
The Cuban Foreign Affairs official called on the participants of the event held in Cochabamba last Saturday to adopt agreements on the importance of defending the Rights of the Mother Earth and the
catastrophe that is threatening the human species.

According to Rodríguez the region “will not accept a new climate agreement that softens historical responsibilities of the developed countries and transnational conglomerates”, and asked the industrialized nations to pay their ecological debt.
Referring to the creation of an International Court of Justice in defense of the Mother Earth is to try environmental crimes. He added that it should be democratic and defend the interests of sovereign governments.

Further he charged that the Large Homeland is under the threat not only of climate change but of the national oligarchies and indicated that neo liberalism is intended to impose on the progressive countries.

He also referred to the position of solidarity of Cuba with the Bolivarian Revolution, its people, its Venezuelan government and Maduro who leads the invincible civic and military union.

The Cuban foreign affairs minister also spoke of the efforts of President Rafael Correa to defeat the attempts of destabilization in Ecuador. He expressed his solidarity with the Brazilian people and president Dilma Rousseff ; and with the Bolivian demand for an open to the sea and with Argentina with its dispute on the sovereignty of the Falkland Islands.

For his part, Bolivian president, Evo Morales, recalled the arrival of Spaniards to Our America 523 years ago whose only purpose was to invade and to plunder the natural resources that, he said, have been
defended by the peoples.

The Ecuadorian president, Rafael Correa, warned that “paradoxically the least contaminants are the most concerned and the large contaminants want to continue with their policies”. If it were the other way around they would have invaded us and demand compensation, he told PL.

Meanwhile Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro explained that only the conscience of the peoples can save the planet of the effects of climate change and capitalism selfishness.
Maduro announced that his country and Cuba will establish a route of work named Plan 2015-2030 to comply with the 17objectives of Sustainable Development foreseen by the United Nations for the next 15

Colombian mayor Gustavo Petro called on the social movements to lift a common platform to pressure the government officials in the UN Conference on the Climate in Paris scheduled for the end of the year.
The mayor of Bogota suggested at the UN Conference on the Climate (known as Cop21) to gather a million persons that we will call the “Commune of Humanity”.
The 2nd Summit of the Peoples on Climate Change began last Saturday in the Tiquipaya municipality of Cochabmba and concluded yesterday.

Participating in the event were delegates from 54 countries who evaluated the agenda prepared in the2010 event and debated in 12 work tables on the threat of capitalism against the Mother Earth, the construction of good living, the struggle in defense of the environment and life culture.

Approved during the event was the Declaration of Tiquipaya that included the creating of an International Court of Environment Justice to observed, monitor and judge those States that destroy the planet.

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Cuba USA
