Cuba: Rumor Friday .......Handshake edition
Cuba USA

Cuba: Rumor Friday .......Handshake edition

Rumor has it that the "HANDSHAKE OF THE YEAR AWARD"(drum roll please)will be going to Obama and Dictator Castro...........The host for the award ceremony will be  Christiane Amanpour

Elian Gonzalez is a shoe in for "MOST UNGRATEFUL PERSON OF THE YEAR AWARD" according to rumors

"It's just a Handshake" t-shirts will be available soon......

Sources say that Cuban exiles are responsible for:

All the problems in Cuba
All the problems in the US
Dictator Castro's health
Dengue fever in Cuba
Global warming
Not fostering enough handshakes
All the problems in Latin America
The personal problems of everyone on earth
CNN ratings
Ratings on Al Sharpton's new show
the role out of the website
obesity in children

- Cuba: Rumor Friday.....dennis Rodman Edition
-Rumor has it that Dennis Rodman was such a hit in North Korea, that he has been requested to sing at Fidel and Raul Castro's Birthday..... - Rumor has it that Maduro of Venezuela also wants Rodman to sing at hs birthday celebration along...

- Cuba: Rumor Friday.....used Car Edition
El Cafe Cubano has obtained the new structure that will deal with the sales of new and used cars in Cuba: President /CEO:  Raul Castro/Castro Dictatorship USED Car Manager:  Raul Castro/Castro Dictatorship NEW Car Manager:  Raul Castro/Castro...

- Cuba: Rumor Friday
Here is the latest installment of Rumor Friday: The dilema concerning opening and then banning, and then maybe reopening of the Home cinemas in Cuba is due to the Cuban exiles..... When asked about if he had anything to do or knowlege with...

- Rumor Friday
El Cafe Cubano has not done a Rumor Friday in a back again: ......Michael Moore is rumored to be in Cuba filming a new movie: "Weekend at Fidel's" ....Jay Z is also to be in Cuba teaching Cuban officials and chivatones...

- It's Rumor Friday.......
It's Friday and you know every Friday rumors pop up that the aparthied dictator has died! Since it's Labor Day weekend YOU KNOW the commies will not release any news. The juicest rumor flying around is that raulita was in Italia for a possible...

Cuba USA
