And.. what shall we do about Guantanamo
Cuba USA

And.. what shall we do about Guantanamo

by Iroel Sánchez
source La Pupila Insomne
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

There is news that plays a too evident role in how to understand its objective. The process of negotiations between Cuba and the United States to normalize their relations has been targeted for some time in this kind of “Information”.

As we tried to defy the Law of Gravity that later disappeared in the headlines regarding “US fugitives in Cuba” when there was a removal of the island from the list of states that harbor terrorism made up unilaterally by the State Department; or the “intensification of repression of dissidents” who charged dollars as rewards, on the eve of the trip of US Secretary of State, John Kerr to Cuba.
Therefore, with the opening of embassies in both capitals the road is free to deal fully with subjects of relations between the United States and Cuba. We can read: “The US resists returning Guantanamo to
Cuba from fear of cession to Russia”.

Great: Just when tensions between Washington and Moscow escalate as a result of the conflict in the Ukraine, Havana must return the public enemy one of its near neighbor with which it seeks normalizing relations by returning to Cuba the territory requested for more than a century.

What history shows is something quite different. The barracks of the armies that supported the United States in Cuba since 1959 were converted by the Revolution into schools: the Naval Academy is today a school of medicine that has graduated more than 85 thousand health professionals from 25 countries, including the United States; and the Center of Exploration and Radio buffs, known as “Lourdes Base” operated in southern Havana first by the USSR and later Russia to monitor the agreements of reductions of nuclear weapons with the United States became the University of Computer Sciences.

What happens then with the territory the US occupies in Guantánamo when the day comes, because it will one day, pass to Cuban jurisdiction? For its privileged geographic position towards the South
and the Caribbean Sea it takes on the Special Economic Zone being developed in Mariel that could benefit US companies? Or a surely attractive and very profitable tourism project for persons of the
entire world to see the famous and forbidden region Washington converted into a Military Base and Concentration Camp? A Caribbean university where academics from Cuba and neighboring islands,
including Puerto Rico, share their knowledge and train intelligent youths for the region? These three things at the same time or at a different time? knowing that from Cuba anything can be expected except military action.

Nor what has occurred with the School of the Americas in the Panama Canal region erasing all the marks where the US trained torturers, assassins, and dictators like Augusto Pinochet, Roberto D’Aubuisson and Efraín Ríos Montt who planted violence and death in their countries and today is a five star hotel,” Meliá Panamá Canal”. No one remembers the paradise of millions of victims of neither so noteworthy students nor the professors who taught them to defend democracy in what Washington understands: freedom of action for its diplomats and companies and political expression only for those who can pay for a room in the “Meliá Panamá Canal” hotel.

Whatever the future of Guantánamo Bay and in spite of the fact that some of the “José Martí” Anti imperialism Court have named it “Línea y Malecón”, what should not be missing is a museum. There could be stored memories of Cuban citizens killed and tortured by the US military in the Base and learn how they flooded the brothels before 1959in areas near the installation, see the sad and well known orange uniforms that the Pentagon has clothed the prisoners in its “war against terror” and the force feeding and submarine. And so everything is not so dramatic, certainly there will be space for humor; there the media will remember that persons of those days had the audacity to believe that Cuba would hand over that territory to Russia. .

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Cuba USA
