What is needed to be a cubanologist in Miami?
Cuba USA

What is needed to be a cubanologist in Miami?

by Edmundo García
source La Pupila Insomne
translation Cuba-Network in Defense of Humanity

To be a cubanologist in Miami, in the first place you must be know nothing of Cuba. While more time passes without having direct contact with the Island and its people, so much better; regardless of the fact that Cuba is the declared objective of cubanology because it is only a trick based on lies and hallucinations. To be a cubanologist in Miami you must say what the Cuban American extreme right wing likes; that is the one that controls the media in the city. 
A cubanologist in Miami must always be misinformed and misinforming; occupied first to prevent and later hinder and in these moments slander the process of normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States.

How to understand the goals the Miami cubanologists contracted. If they tried to hinder the relations now they are content to obstruct them and now they are only left with the consolation of slandering them.
I don´t know if the day will come to be resigned because the only think they have left is fanataticism and they are left with a tantrum in unreality, alone and rejected on the wrong side of the history.One of the campaigns that the cubanologists of Miami tried was to defame the image of Cuba to torpedo the negotiations begun after December 17 of 2014 that international public opinion has known in all its magnitude and related it to the North Korean ship Chong Chon Gang detained in Panama on July of 2013 carrying sugar and weapons from Cuba. The obsolete weapons were being sent for repairs and that MINREX in Cuba described in full detail in the official declaration of July16 of 2013.

The note of the Cuban Foreign Affairs ministry stated: “the ship was carrying 240 metric tons of obsolete defensive weapons – tow Volga and Pechora anti aircraft missile complexes, nine rockets in parts and
pieces, two Mig-21 Bis and 15 motors for this type of airplane. All were built in the mid period of last century – to be repaired and returned to our country”.

The cubanologiists paid no attention and unleashed a campaign that lasted months. The Miami media said the Migs could be adjusted to carry atomic bombs and the Volga and Pechora con carry nuclear warheads.

Acting cubanologist, Eli César, member of the infamous mercenary brigade 2506 said that Panamanian official sources assured that the Chong Chon Chon Gang carried more weapons than those declared by Cuba; while lawyer Larry Palomares, connected to former ambassador Willie Chochez, told the press that this was part of the Kennedy-Krushov pact.

But the cubanologist most delirious was Juan Tamayo, a journalist of El Nuevo Herald, today retired even mentioned proofs of an alleged offensive military alliance between Cuba and North Korea taken from a secret report that in fact was in the web site “38norh.org”, of general access.

As everyone knows this anti Cuban campaign did not bear fruit, quite the contrary. Cuba conserved and increased its international prestige.

But the campaigns of the cubanologists did not stop. In march of this year, 2015, after the announcement of the beginning of the process of normalization of relations between Cuba and the United States, but before opening the corresponding embassies in Washington D C and Havana there was the search of a Chinese ship, Hong Kong Da Dan Xia off he coast of Cartagena de Indias in which part of its cargo was military material destined for Cuba.

The anti Cuban propaganda after that even was less intense than the one mounted about the Chong Chon Gang, perhaps because the frustration of the right wing regarding the declarations made by the president of
the United States and Cuba a few months before. However, the cubanologists demanded based on the alleged military alliance now between Cuba and Chine, the United States should leave the Island in the infamous list of countries that support terrorism and retract the opening of embassies. In spite of their tantrum, in May Cuba was removed from a list it should never have been included; and in July and August the two countries inaugurated their embassies.

And now this is the most recent tantrum of the cubanologists of Miami.
On Wednesday the 14th of October the Institute of Cuban and Cuban American Studies (ICCAS) promoted as part of the University of Miami but in truth is a small group of anti Cuban speakers who were
hosted in the Bacardi House of Brescia Ave, released an email in which it assured having received information that FAR minister, Leopoldo Cintra Frías had visited Syria recently (they give no date) for nothing more or less to support by land the troops and tanks of the Russian air strikes.

And where does this take us? Well the free affirmation that it is proof that Cuba prefers relations with the enemies of the United States and, as a result, review its policy towards the Island.

This ICCAS news report only lasted a few hours. In the first place because, in spite of some initial misunderstanding Russia is fighting the same enemy the United States is confronting: the ISIS terrorist.
Consequently the influential newspaper The New York Times requested President Obama to view Russia as an ally in this objective.

In second place because no one in his right mind can think seriously that a country will prepare a commando operation thousands of kilometers from its country and send as head of the action the Minister of its Armed Forces.

In spite of all this irrationality or, perhaps because of it, the right wing has given credit to the speculations of ICCAS. Yesterday the very same director of the infamous institute, Jaime Suchlicki, was interviewed by Fox channel mostly to get declarations against President Obama. What Fox did not expect was the Suchlicki would say: “If this information is confirmed about the presence of Cuban troops in Syria now, it would indicate that Raúl Castro is more interested in the support of its allies: Russia and Syria than continuing normalization of relations with the United States”. The anchor and surely part of the public were shocked thinking: Well Mr. Suchlicki if you were invited on national television is was precisely because we believed that your news was confirmed”.

What Fox did not know more than the US public is that Jaime Suchlicki is a cubanologist from Miami where it is not necessary to appear credibly in the media. That is why, while attention was on the information; anchor Juan Manuel Cao of channel 14 of Miami was losing face but continued to comment on it last night as “the great news” of the year.

This, as so many others, is news information without development or confirmation; including managing such a delicate subject, the ill named Radio Martí just limited its search in Wikipedia. The same station, after saying that the Pentagon confirmed to Fox the presence of Cuban soldiers in Syria did not name the source of the pentagon that made this confirmation nor what kind of troops Cuba had there.
But they had to admit and I quote that “The Department of State told the press they have no information to corroborate the story”.

Perhaps the assurance of an unidentified official is that in truth ICCAS made up this story and many others.

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Cuba USA
