Cuba USA

Where are You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Blogs that are dedicated to the freedom of Cuba are the only ones bringing the issue of the Wet Foot-Dry Foot policy to the forefront. CB and Ziva, and others are calling for action! The result: no famous Cuban-Americans, no politicians, and no concerned citizens doing anything? Get off your ass and do something, we do these blogs on what little spare time we have. North Dakota inks a $20 million deal with the brutal regime and not even a peep from anyone. Cubans trying to reach freedom and many die: No response or outrage? Can you imagine if this was any other ethnic group or minority? The news would be 24/7 with Jesse Jackson leading marches everywhere. I expect this from the media, but with in our own brethren?

Get off your ass and do something!!!!!!!!

Media Silence Many of the bloggers have commented on the lack of media coverage concerning the hunger strike. Where are Lucia Newman, Wolfman Blitzer, and all the so called journalist? OOPs, I forgot, freedom loving Cuban-Americans are not news worthy....

Soap Box My freedom loving brethren, lately I have been frustrated with many things concerning this blog. Several of us have called out to you do something concerning the wet foot/dry foot policy. Not a peep, just some comments that it's not worth...

Kill Castro and Blog for Cuba both have a post concerning the the 7 year old girl that was picked up by a cruise ship. Can you believe this: On Thanksgiving weekend. Elian was also picked up on Thanksgiving weekend. A coincidence, no way! I believe this...

More on 'Unfair" Trade Agreements with Cuba Here is a press release from Agriculture Commissioner, Roger Johnson of North Dakota. A record $20 million dollar deal with Cuba was inked with the brutal regime. I am sure a great deal of "fact finding"...

Jesse Jackson in Venezuela Venezuela is calling for the of extradition of Pat Robertson and Jesse Jackson called Robertson's comments a criminal act. No matter what you think about Pat Robertson and his comments, last time I checked this is a free...

Cuba USA
