Cuba USA

Jesse Jackson in Venezuela

Venezuela is calling for the of extradition of Pat Robertson and Jesse Jackson
called Robertson's comments a criminal act. No matter what you think about Pat Robertson and his comments, last time I checked this is a free country and
citizens are allowed free speech unlike Cuba and Venezuela. Jesse is quick to defend Castro, Chavez, and Muslim extremist never censoring their comments
or their actions! Let face it nobody will come out and say that Mr. Jackson is a communist. The useful idiots of Castro and Chavez are the ones who should be considered criminal.
The media blitz has begun already, let me remind you Castro and Chavez are comming to the U.N. Summit on September 14-16th. The Castro propaganda machine is running full force with news everyday concerning Venezuela(Oil for the poor)Cuba trade, and who knows what? Castro rambles and he is on the AP wire and in newspapers all over the country, while freedom lovers are regulated to blogs and considered "extremist"


- Cuba: Useful Idiot Echoes That Familiar Tune....
"End Cuba embargo, says Jesse Jackson" Mr. Jackson ends his Cuber trip without seeing Alan Gross, BUT does accomplish to say the tired old required phrase of ending the embargo. How about saying this: End the Castro embargo End the 54 year dictatorship...

Where are You!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blogs that are dedicated to the freedom of Cuba are the only ones bringing the issue of the Wet Foot-Dry Foot policy to the forefront. CB and Ziva, and others are calling for action! The result: no famous Cuban-Americans,...

Chavez Fan Brigade Chavez gave his speech at a church yesterday in New York City. Next to him by his side no other than Jesse Jackson and U.S. Representative Jose Serrano....

Commie 101 Commie propaganda is full of slogans and code words to try to confuse the public. Now to Cuban-Americans or those who have lived through the horrors of communism, you know well commie speak. This commie to real definition list is to decipher...

Latest on Chavez and the Posada case: Chavez has a march with a 100 supporters(Wow! alert CNN)to demand justice concerning Pat Robertson's remarks. I can not imagine how many would show up if they were not forced?

Cuba USA
