Cuba USA

Latest on Chavez and the Posada case:

Chavez has a march with a 100 supporters(Wow! alert CNN)to demand justice concerning Pat Robertson's remarks. I can not imagine how many would show up if they were not forced?

No matter what you think of Posada, its funny how the media and others refer to his status as "illegal" while millions of others are referred to as "undocumented." I am sure this trial will again be used as a tool to discredit and defame the Cuban-American community!

- Posada On Trial
Luis Posada is about to go to trial in El Paso, Texas for lying to immigration officials. By watching the video above the media again making a judgement in a court of public opinion. Luis Posada is called a "terrorist" many times BUT not once...

- Violation Of Human Rights: The Luis Posada Carriles Case
Reprinted from VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: THE LUIS POSADA CARRILES CASE © 2007 ABIP by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton While the liberal U.S. media constantly reports the violations of human rights...

Posada will not be deported to Cuba or Venezuela "Immigration Judge William Abbott found that Posada, a former CIA operative wanted by Venezuela for trial in a 1976 Cuban airliner bombing that killed 73 people, faced the threat of torture in those countries...

Jesse Jackson in Venezuela Venezuela is calling for the of extradition of Pat Robertson and Jesse Jackson called Robertson's comments a criminal act. No matter what you think about Pat Robertson and his comments, last time I checked this is a free...

Looks like Hugo Chavez and Fidel Castro are going to attend the U.N. Summit in New York City on September 14-16. As you know all the useful idiotswill come out full force in the media and print. Jesse Jackson is in Venezuela doing the "Dictactorships...

Cuba USA
