Posada on trial
Cuba USA

Posada on trial

Luis Posada is about to go to trial in El Paso, Texas for lying to immigration officials. By watching the video above the media again making a judgement in a court of public opinion. Luis Posada is called a "terrorist" many times BUT not once does ANY journalist or "OTHERS" call the dictator brothers in Cuba "terrorist." Posada is being held on trial for entering the USA "ILLEGALLY"  yet.........MILLIONS are here in the USA the same way, BUT  are referred to as "UNDOCUMENTED".......why the difference in symantics?

- Ricardo "tricky Ricky" Alarcon Upset Over Verdict In Posada Trial
The Cuban dictatorship and Ricardo"Tricky Ricky" Alarcon are having a hissy fit because THEY did not get their way in regards to the Posada trial. The Cuban dictatorship only knows one word "GUILTY" in regards to their shams of so called trials...

- Excuse Me "wild Bill" Delahunt?
U.S. Rep. William " wild bill"Delahunt "told a congressional subcommittee that national security laws are being unfairly applied to favor Luis Posada Carriles, who is wanted in Cuba and Venezuela for the 1976 bombing of a Cuban airliner."What? Did you...

- Violation Of Human Rights: The Luis Posada Carriles Case
Reprinted from www.AmigosPais-Guaracabuya.org VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: THE LUIS POSADA CARRILES CASE © 2007 ABIP by Agustin Blazquez with the collaboration of Jaums Sutton While the liberal U.S. media constantly reports the violations of human rights...

U.S. Agents Target Posada Ally(Updated) Federal agents searched the office of Santiago Alvarez, a close ally of Posada. The same day that the search was being conducted, an ad in castro's favorite paper(N.Y. times) just happens to appear: ''October...

Posada will not be deported to Cuba or Venezuela "Immigration Judge William Abbott found that Posada, a former CIA operative wanted by Venezuela for trial in a 1976 Cuban airliner bombing that killed 73 people, faced the threat of torture in those countries...

Cuba USA
