Cuba USA

Soap Box

My freedom loving brethren, lately I have been frustrated with many things concerning this blog. Several of us have called out to you do something concerning the wet foot/dry foot policy. Not a peep, just some comments that it's not worth it, you will never get anybody to listen. Just the typical B.S. whining. I am quite surprised the comments are usually from those whom I'd never expect to react that way. The last several days I have contemplated on not doing this anymore, does anyone besides the few loyal bloggers dedicated to the "truth" concerning Cuba, really care? Well, something happened that really sparked me. I have noticed that I have had several hits on my blog from "Cuber" I figured it was some official checking my blog out. I received several messages "Thank You"
"Spread the word concerning our plight" " we do read your blog in clandestine"
Now it could be some government official, or maybe not. I am not going to divulge who they are or explain how they gained access. I need to protect them just in case. Now is this blog and our struggle worth it? Yes!!!! We must not give up our fight! I entered a temporary state of darkness and I have seen the light!

- Dictator Is Dead Part Iii
My freedom-loving brethren again I am going to repeat: I do not believe the dictator is dead! If he were do you think we would be informed in a timely manner? My next rant is concerning the commie bloggers that are now starting to pop up in Cuba. Who...

Guillermo Fariñas Hernández on hunger strike since January 31st "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández News out of Cuba is that Mr. Hernandez could die at any moment...

Blog Away "llego, llego, el hombre de guagaunco!"(Can anyone name the song and the group?) I'm back and ready to blog away my freedom loving brethren! I can see the fellow bloggers are on top of things and leading the struggle against the brutal...

Freedom Loving Blogs What can I say concerning the herculean efforts of these blogs dedicated to the FREEDOM of Cuba: Babalu has an excellent post concerning a Canadian city council member, who is a fan of leche guevera. Spread the word about this commie!...

Keep The Pressure On! You are making a difference and keep the wet foot/dry foot policy a hot issue. Thanks to the initiative of Kill Castro-War blog and the fortitude of all you bloggers to make a difference!...

Cuba USA
