Cuba USA

Guillermo Fariñas Hernández on hunger strike since January 31st

"If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández

News out of Cuba is that Mr. Hernandez could die at any moment . Support this FREEDOM fighter. The media is basically ignoring his struggle and his quest for Free access to the internet. Sadly, most journalist are not aware of this or they are ignoring him on purpose. Now is no time for apathy, join me my FREEDOM loving brethren to spread the word and blitz the media about his condition and his cause! I am also calling again for a FAST, but with a twist this time. It's up to you and God what you want to do and level you want to take it. I propose we set up a FASTING chain and spread the news to the media. The chain would be clear and simple, just leave your name and city or state(and comments if you like) in the comments section in support of Mr. Farinas. Believe me he knew last time we were fasting and in Cuba they set up their own fast to show support.

C’mon my brethren stand up, do something and let’s help our brother in need!


Ziva at Blog for Cuba also has a post concerning Farinas. Please join us in support of Guillermo Fariñas Hernández before it's to late.

- Friday Fast In Honor Of Orlando Zapata Tamayo And All Political Prisoners In Cuba
Orlando Zapata Tamayo dies on a hunger strike! Guillermo Fariñas is currently on a hunger strike! The Ladies in White beaten by the commie thugs! What are YOU doing about it? Please join this Friday's fast in honor of Orlando Zapata Tamayo! ...

- Calling For A Fast For Fariñas And All Political Prisoners!
My freedom loving brethren we have done a fast for Mr. Farinas several times in the past. Mr. Fariñas is currently under house arrest and slowly recuperating after his hunger strike, but he is still not allowed to access the internet. Political prisoners...

Prayer Vigil for Farinas A prayer vigil is being held in Cuba for the life of Guillermo Farinas. Still the world is silent for Farinas, and for those who stand up against the dictator. Please pray for Mr. Farinas and please join the fasting chain! "If...

Fariñas Blogburst "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas HernándezA man willing to risk his life for something that many of us take for granted: FREEDOM. Please keep Mr....

Fasting for Fariñas and all political prisoners "If God wants me to die, I will die. I will be a Martyr for the Free information in the World"- Guillermo Fariñas Hernández Let's continue to show our support for this brave freedom fighter and...

Cuba USA
