Cuba USA

Freedom Loving Blogs

What can I say concerning the herculean efforts of these blogs dedicated to the FREEDOM of Cuba:

Babalu has an excellent post concerning a Canadian city council member, who is a fan of leche guevera.
Spread the word about this commie!

Songuacassal at Cuban-American Pundits tackles the embargo issue with great insight!

Click away at Blog For Cuba, calling for action concerning the Wet Foot-Dry Foot policy.

Kill Castro-A War blog , as usual pulls no punches when it comes to any subject. Today they take on Fox vs. Chavez.

Juan of Paxety Pages has a "Cuban Music Update" at his site.

Real Cuba as always with pictures that tell a story! Check out the picture of Mini-me #1 and Mini-me #2. It seems that the "commie" maradona charged $100,000 to appear at the summit.

To all of you: have a cafe cubano and a pastel de guava!

Soap Box My freedom loving brethren, lately I have been frustrated with many things concerning this blog. Several of us have called out to you do something concerning the wet foot/dry foot policy. Not a peep, just some comments that it's not worth...

Kill Castro and Blog for Cuba both have a post concerning the the 7 year old girl that was picked up by a cruise ship. Can you believe this: On Thanksgiving weekend. Elian was also picked up on Thanksgiving weekend. A coincidence, no way! I believe this...

Fat Lady Singing Yet? (Updated Again) As posted by the other freedom loving blogs, CIA concludes that Fidel has Parkinson's. Do not count on the fat lady singing yet, but it does explain his recent seclusion and mini-me taking on a more active rubble...


Big Bad Commie Brother Watching! Looks like you freedom loving anti-killstro blogs are making a difference. Check this out concerning who is "watching" the Babalu blog....

Cuba USA
