Cuba USA

Kill Castro and Blog for Cuba both have a post concerning the the 7 year old girl that was picked up by a cruise ship. Can you believe this: On Thanksgiving weekend. Elian was also picked up on Thanksgiving weekend. A coincidence, no way! I believe this a message or a wake up call to fight for what is right. The media is ignoring and does not care about the plight of this 7 year old. Many of us have stated that we need to do something about the idiotic wet-foot, dry-foot policy for Cuban migrants. I do not have the money or clout, but I can spread the word through this blog and to start a letter writing campaign to the President, Politicians, famous Cuban-Americans, anyone that can help our cause. I need your help! I do this blog in what little spare time I have. Can we make a difference? I don't know but let's give it our best. That is the least we can do for all those who have died trying to reach freedom. If you are not going to do anything, please do not waste my time complaining that we can't do this or that, or is it worth it? 11 million illegals are in this country and it seems everything is done to make sure they stay here, but several Cubans escaping communism are immediately sent back? I still get comments that Cubans are given preferential treatment when it comes to immigration. How so? Let's get on the offensive

Dozens of Cubans Make Landfall From the Associated Press: MIAMI BEACH, Fla. - Dozens of Cuban migrants, including at least nine children, came ashore Friday throughout South Florida, officials said. A total of 87 Cuban migrants reached Florida, said...

Cubanos No Way! Blog for Cuba has an excellent analysis on the immigration issue. I hear these comments all the time "Cubans get preferential treatment when it comes to immigration." Look at the numbers: 400,000 vs. 2,368. We have over 11 million illegals...

Where are You!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blogs that are dedicated to the freedom of Cuba are the only ones bringing the issue of the Wet Foot-Dry Foot policy to the forefront. CB and Ziva, and others are calling for action! The result: no famous Cuban-Americans,...

Freedom Loving Blogs What can I say concerning the herculean efforts of these blogs dedicated to the FREEDOM of Cuba: Babalu has an excellent post concerning a Canadian city council member, who is a fan of leche guevera. Spread the word about this commie!...

Keep The Pressure On! You are making a difference and keep the wet foot/dry foot policy a hot issue. Thanks to the initiative of Kill Castro-War blog and the fortitude of all you bloggers to make a difference!...

Cuba USA
