Cuba USA

Cubanos No Way!

Blog for Cuba has an excellent analysis on the immigration issue. I hear these comments all the time "Cubans get preferential treatment when it comes to immigration." Look at the numbers: 400,000 vs. 2,368. We have over 11 million illegals in this country. It's funny everyone wants to come here for a better life and live the American dream, but why? You never hear this, could it be that Mexico and other Latin-American countries could give a crap about their people! They are rich in resources but basically are poor and corrupt. No it's not yankee imperialism, you guys are bunch of crooks! You commies do start on what you believe the utopia called Cuba! That is why people are dying trying to reach freedom. The exodus is not from U.S. to Cuba!

- Bush To Speak On Cuba
Bush will speak on Cuba today. Let's see if anything new will surface? Raulita is in power while the Adidas dictator spends his time "REFLECTING" and adding new routines to his apartheid dictatorcizes. No changes expected and I don't really expect...

- The World Does Not Care...
El Cafe Cubano is in a rare mood today and here it comes from the heart. I know I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, but it seems that for over 48 years nobody except Cubans want the crusty apartheid dictator in power? Why? Are they afraid of the potential...

- Let's Really Talk About Taboos!
Charles"raspy" Rangel and Jeff "snow' Flake have laid out what they call a "comprehensive" plan concerning relations with Cuba."Snow" Flake will even headline a forum called:"21st Century US-Cuba Policy Initiative." The talk is always about the fascination...

The real scoop about the revolution The excellent website The Real Cuba has the scoop concerning who really was behind the revolution. Beware all of you romantic commies, this is the real scoop, not the romantic crap about this being the poor against...

Mini-me to visit the Pope I can hear the crickets in the background, I can hear a pin drop with all the news beforehand about Mini-me visiting the Pope today! You sneaky commies, could it be that you did not want the opposition to have time to say...

Cuba USA
