Bush to speak on Cuba
Cuba USA

Bush to speak on Cuba

Bush will speak on Cuba today. Let's see if anything new will surface? Raulita is in power while the Adidas dictator spends his time "REFLECTING" and adding new routines to his apartheid dictatorcizes. No changes expected and I don't really expect any unrest in Cuba, since many officials here in the U.S. fear a mass exodus from Cuba. Call me crazy, an island of 11 million people, a mass exodus of how many? Yet, we have how many illegals from a certain country and no fears or major solutions on that issue?

What about the absurd wet/dry foot policy?

- "you Spin Me Round"
The recent purging by the dictatorship of Cuba was complimented by "reflections" of that of a Adidas clad dictator who now does dictatorcizes in the streets of Havana. The dictator profoundly wrote: "The honey of power, for which they had made no sacrifice,...

- Well I Know It's Not Rumor Friday Yet...
Remember my FREEDOM loving brethren to read these rumors in a low whisper. "Tricky Ricky" alarcon was in Canada yesterday and when pressed about the dictator: NOTHING? Exit plans "tricky ricky?" raulita has not been seen since his fashion trip to italia...

- Same Old Stuff From Raulita
The dictatorcizes apparently have not worked on the Adidas wearing apartheid dictator. He must of been "REFLECTING' today since he was a no-show? Diverticulitis and tubes do not sit well for photo ops or romantic interludes with mini-me. I will not...

- No Politics Here?
Here we have raulita beginning his raulitalization of Cuba. Remember how the apartheid communist government told us that under no circumstances that Elian would be used for political purposes? Remember the gullibility of the media and their eagerness...

Cubanos No Way! Blog for Cuba has an excellent analysis on the immigration issue. I hear these comments all the time "Cubans get preferential treatment when it comes to immigration." Look at the numbers: 400,000 vs. 2,368. We have over 11 million illegals...

Cuba USA
