"You Spin Me Round"
Cuba USA

"You Spin Me Round"

The recent purging by the dictatorship of Cuba was complimented by "reflections" of that of a Adidas clad dictator who now does dictatorcizes in the streets of Havana. The dictator profoundly wrote:

"The honey of power, for which they had made no sacrifice, awakened in them ambitions that drove them to an unworthy role"

I know.. call me crazy, for a moment I thought he was talking about himself and his brother!

Typical spin that we have heard for 50 years!

- Be Very, Very, Quiet!
Be very, very, quiet! No, no, we must read this post in a very small whisper...rumors from several days ago were that the dictator was dead...now the rumor mill says the adidas clad dictator is very "ill" and unconscious. No way of confirming this,...

- The Revolution Disqualified From The Very Beginning
Here we have the Cuban athletic kicking the judge because HE did not like the call. As a result he will be banned for life. Just like the revolution from the very beginning, if you say or do something contrary to the communist dictatorship, they will...

- Bush To Speak On Cuba
Bush will speak on Cuba today. Let's see if anything new will surface? Raulita is in power while the Adidas dictator spends his time "REFLECTING" and adding new routines to his apartheid dictatorcizes. No changes expected and I don't really expect...

- Dictator Dead Or Having More Sugery?
The Adidas wearing dictator was a no-show on his Birthday. Rumors are abuzz that he's dead, or that he was whisked away for more surgery(Outside of Cuba of course!). El Cafe Cubano believes that the dictator is still alive physically, but does not...

- Same Old Stuff From Raulita
The dictatorcizes apparently have not worked on the Adidas wearing apartheid dictator. He must of been "REFLECTING' today since he was a no-show? Diverticulitis and tubes do not sit well for photo ops or romantic interludes with mini-me. I will not...

Cuba USA
